@edicted taking a dirt nap - 1507.833 Steem MELTEDsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #berniesanders6 years ago (edited)



That was like $100 x2 that just flew from me and @berniesanders back to the reward pool.

Everyone's post will get paid a little extra due to the slightly bigger reward pool.

Enjoy the extra 0.001 Steem on me :D

Beanie is a die hard altruist it seems.

Oh, did you think $100 was a lot?


That's exactly 1507.833 Steem spent on @drugwars because of my actions.
Seriously @drugwars, where is my upvote?
I take out the account on the #1 spot and all I get is bragging rights? Psh!

Once again, this 1507.833 Steem will flow into the pockets of @drugwars players.
You're welcome :D

Seriously though, 1507.833 Steem is like a year's worth of upvotes/downvotes on my account.


And obviously, we see that someone has access to @themadcurator active key.
What a surprise.

Reason given for flags:

BTW, keep upvoting that trash like @mitrado and see where your account ends up.... I can deal with you attacking me in drugwars, but supporting trash like that is ridiculous.

You just got a little taste. I hope you enjoy.

Literally 33 minutes later:


Contradicting yourself in 30 minutes on a transparent blockchain.

Nuff said.

Like I said before, Beanie Baby: You are embarrassingly predictable. You've done exactly what I wanted you to do. It's actually even better than I could have possibly imagined. ~1700 Steem in one day? Incredible!

You can't extract value from me. You can't get into my head.

Money doesn't matter; reputation matters.

You will continue to help me build a valuable reputation here because you aren't capable of keeping your emotions in check. You run around this platform like a toddler having a temper tantrum.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to prove myself in the face of adversity.

Steem On!


The hell are you doing man? hahaha.

Money doesn't matter; reputation matters.

You dont need reputation when you have money. You can buy reputation and good PR by throwing around some cash. Seen it done here a million times.

You run around this platform like a toddler having a temper tantrum.

This is exactly why i go around telling people that all their explanations and arguments, all their well worded and documented posts about conduct of whales does not matter in the slightest and is a complete waste of time. Told that to the folks that had the dcommerce/Haejin drama. I keep telling that to LLfarms. Why no one wants to listen is beyond me.

They dont care man!

All youre doing is entertaining Bernie/FTG or whoever by giving them a target to slap around for a day until they get bored and move on to someone else. I mean ffs, his daily routine is basically :
"Do some life stuff, drive his lambo, get on Steemit and get in fights".

I dont agree with you on a number of things but i did enjoy a few of your posts. Would be a shame if you took the road of "Ill defeat you with words Bernie" and got flagged to oblivion for the laughs and giggles of a Steem whale.

These networks aren't about money; they are about building communities and the synergy that comes along with it. It doesn't matter what the stake holders think once a big enough open source community is formed here. A new stake will be forged, and that stake will revolve much less around the money carried in one's wallet.

One thing is certain: decentralization is happening right before your eyes as you ask me wtf I'm doing. I think it's pretty clear that I'm moving money from big accounts to small ones. For now, this is good enough. Crypto has always need a 'good enough' solution rather than a good one.

These networks aren't about money; they are about building communities and the synergy that comes along with it.

No. No theyre not. Thats what these networks were supposed to be about. Its not what they are actually about. Communities, in reality are secondary. Either a straw idealists grasp at or a mantra community leaders use to get ahead by leaching off their followers.
There are no "big open source communities" and there will never exist one. The distribution right now makes the richest more rich, completely taking away the chance of a middle class ever overpowering in stake the top 5%.

The distribution right now makes the richest more rich.

That certainly sounds correct but you haven't actually done the math. This is not central banking where the elite controls 100% of all inflation. We all control the same percentage of inflation. What you are saying is literally impossible, even without factoring in the ability to upvote inflation to less wealthy accounts, which happens all the time.

You are making claims based on zero evidence. In fact, plenty of real blockchain analysis implies the exact opposite conclusion.

Look at all the people holding Bitcoin. Do they get to control any inflation? No; 0%. Yet the network continues to grow and decentralize in spurts. Ten years ago, one person held all Bitcoin in existence. Ten years from now, x10 or more people users will enter the cryptosphere, with no centralized entity able to inflate gains to the top of the pyramid.

Show me the evidence that points to Steem becoming more centralized. Every coin on this platform was basically premined or created by inflation generated by premined stake. Yet here I am, living underneath the poverty line, and I still own 1/35000th of this platform. How is that even possible?

completely taking away the chance of a middle class ever overpowering in stake the top 5%.

This is smart money. We can program it to act however we see fit. This is opt in governance. If the top 5% bring nothing to the table then you fork off to a new chain.

There are no "big open source communities" and there will never exist one.

It already does exist. Crypto is open source and it will only get bigger over time.

It's really hard to take you seriously when you are so poorly informed about these subjects. This feeling is compounded by the hypocrisy of you demanding I supply evidence of conspiracy theory while you jump into threads like this making claims with absolutely nothing to back it up.

This is not central banking where the elite controls 100% of all inflation.

Not how economy works.

You are making claims based on zero evidence.

0 evidence? Bot delegators are many times getting more then 100% of their vote worth back. Similar case with vote sellers. Add in selfvoters and high stake circle jerks, remove Steemit.inc from the equation and you get what im talking about.

Yet here I am, living underneath the poverty line, and I still own 1/35000th of this platform. How is that even possible?

How is it possible for you to have more then "0"? Because someone gave you some votes? Not sure what the point of that question is.

It's really hard to take you seriously

Look. I was just trying to help. Just like the time you supported Drug Wars and claimed it was a good investment. I tried to convince you for your own good that you were wrong.
Just like in this case. You seem hellbent on wrecking your blog but i saw something in you so i tried to dissuade you from it.

You can accept what i say or you cannot accept what i say. Im not going to go into any deeper discussions where you expand the topic in 100 directions trying to catch anything you can cling on to be right about.

I dont do the ego dance. Good luck with any direction you choose.

Don't worry about my blog, friend. I'm doing just fine. In fact, I'm better now than I ever was. I'm building street cred. This is an investment. It won't be hard to make the money back.

I value our interactions. Your view is the view of many, and extra perspective is always a great thing.

You're young yet. When you have gained the perspective of someone who has transcended numerous uses of digits that represent reputation and stake as weapons to defraud you, you will grasp that the reputation @edicted refers to isn't something you can buy on Steemit.

No matter what it costs - and it has cost me everything I owned - it will be a bargain when you gain that certain knowledge, and know better than to trust digits to fulfill obligations. It is obligors that meet or fail to meet their obligations, and there are people you can do business with on a handshake, and people you can't do business with.

When you learn the difference, even losses of digits are profitable.

:D A very enlightened perspective indeed, yet not in tune with reality.
What reputation is he earning with this?
Oh look Jim, its another fool charging into gun fire.
You can make up some greater meaning to his action, you can invoke "cosmic justice" and intangible values, but you very well know that all that is mostly crap. Sry. This is a $$$ driven system and none of what you mentioned gets you anything here. Especially in this case.
It can in cases when you can use it as a mask, mold a fake persona, creating a perception about yourself that is based on your determination of what the crowd finds attractive thus pushing you higher in rank.. But thats as far as it goes.

Whats the point of this here? He stood up to Bernie? What has he proven? That he is dumb enough to run into gunfire? Stand in the path of a tornado? Jump in front of a speeding train? Poke a bear with a stick?
Everyone knows what Bernie is. You arent changing him one bit no matter what you say. You arent changing anyones perspective of him no matter what you say. So whats the point of this? Martyrdom?
All he is doing is making himself look stupid. Explaining things to Bernie or discussing things with him or exposing him (or what ever the photos were) isnt like interacting with a normal person. Its like interacting with a wood chipper. Interacting, as in jumping in head first.

Were that so, then there'd be no point to human society. There is a point. It's just too easy to come to grand conclusions absent nominal context to nuance them. Society is far more than just an economy. Bernie has other values that matter besides his stake, otherwise he never would have funded @themadcurator.

In time, you will gain perspective, and your views will change.

This isnt human society. There is no governance in place. There is no tribunal or a justice system. This is Steem. Where the wealthy do whatever they want.
All you can hope for is that the person you run into has the same moral code as you. Otherwise hope you have more SP.

You are grossly incorrect in all your assertions in this comment. Nothing about Steem is divorced from human society, governance at every level, from anarchic through local, regional, national, and international all apply to every facet of Steem and it's users, and the wealthy are all constrained by every aspect of their wealth, along with all the rest of the constraints that apply to them.

I don't care about the sp of others, and neither fail to oppose crap where I run across it - as you see.

And this mentality is exactly what gives Bernie’s (and others) methods power, right? It is true that this is a money-based system, but there are different kinds of reputation here. Why try to call out foolish, destructive behavior?

Because it’s not good for the image and vision of this platform, or the people involved in it. I’m glad @edicted wrote this, and I think anyone targeted with this sort of abuse (aka for getting flagged for playing a blockchain browser game) has the right to say their piece.

He has the right to do anything he wants. Ofc.

And this mentality is exactly what gives Bernie’s (and others) methods power, right?

No. Its not the mentality that give his method power. Its the system in place called DPOS. Its what you subscribed to when you created an account here.

So, in your view, it would just be ridiculous to flag bernie and expect anything but flags back, right? Because all that matters is throwing that stake around.

You're not wrong, I just think it's worrisome that people feel like they can't stick up for themselves or say something out of line (or! get this... win a browser game battle) without getting their unrelated content demonetized. I hate to see it, and I do truly think that reputation goes a long way here, unrelated to funds. I'm not trying to argue that the funds don't literally give you power to slash anyone, anytime.

It is worrisome. But thats the way it is.
If they want to "hurt" you, people like Bernie can always find a justification for their conduct.
If this was "human society" or the "real world" you could always find a way to find satisfaction no matter how rich the person is. You call the police, start a lawsuit, report to newspapers and even punch the guy in the face if nothing else works.
But here you cant do anything.

You can flag him if you had enough SP. But what good would that do. Nothing. What did Bernie flagging Haejin change nothing. FTG flagging Bernie? Nothing.
Some folks tend to glorify flagging but thats probably the most pointless feature of Steem.

I mean 99% of all flags are probably people griefing others, revenge flags, drama related, power demonstrations, etc.

So yeah. Theres literally nothing you can do about people like Bernie and because nothing you try and do ever gets any results its quite stupid to even try.
I have no idea why i even need to explain this.

I like to ignore it to the best of my ability, works for me :) Until it doesn’t, and I get ‘chosen’

Sad reality.

Why do you keep trying to spread your cowardice like a disease?

It's nothing to be proud of.

Well, it is an experience that has enriched your life, at an available cost in Steem.

Worth it at any price, I suspect =)

yeah I noticed that too. You know it might just be a quick laundry trip.

Let us keep steem rolling

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