Ben Swann is a journalist I actually respect... he tries to be unbiased...

in #benswann8 years ago

I occasionally like to share videos made by Ben Swann as I think he does a pretty good job of acting as journalists should. I haven't shared anything for awhile, and I have several times sent messages trying to encourage him to come to steemit. That hasn't happened yet.

Today I was going to his youtube channel to see what the latest videos he has released might be. These are all news and current events related and I'll share them and comment on each of them here. I will show them in reverse chronological order. So the first one I show will be the most recent.

Reality Check: Buzzfeed/CNN DID Push #fakenews in "Trump Intelligence Memos"
Published Date: January 13th, 2017

This is Ben Swann going over the Fake News report on Trump pushed by Mainstream Media, and calling CNN fake news, etc. Ben Swann goes over problems with the reports.

Reality Check: Nobel Peace Prize Winning President Obama Drops 26,171 Bombs in 2016
Published Date: January 13th, 2017

That is three bombs, every hour, for 24 hours a day if spread out over time. The Department of Defense severely under reports civilian deaths. I've written about my views on how collateral damage is viewed as acceptable and I believe it is an evil stance. Collateral Damage should be treated as an accident and everything done to avoid it again in the future. Today we do not do that, we simply consider it acceptable.

Reality Check: Why WaPo's Russia Hacking U.S. Power Grid Story is Epitome of "Fake News"
Published Date: January 6th, 2017

Ben covers why the penetration of Vermont Utilities is #fakenews. I also would like to point out a post I made last week on hacking and evidence. The public tends to believe it is easy to determine where a hacker comes from. In reality, unless the hacker is incredibly stupid it is not. An IP Address cannot prove who the hacker was unless they are stupid enough to connect directly from their location. If they are as good as would be required to pull off these supposed hacks, they will not be this stupid. This means the claims of proof of hacking are most likely the government and fake media playing upon the ignorance of most people on how the internet actually works.

Reality Check: Pres. Obama Signs New Law To Allow U.S. Gov. to Fund Propaganda for U.S. Citizens
Published Date: January, 5th 2017

This is essentially a bill permitting the government to publish #fakenews.

Reality Check: Proof That Those "Moderate Rebels" in Syria are Really Jihadists
Published Date: December 28th, 2016

Reality Check: DEA Absolutely Wrong In Making CBD Oil Schedule 1 Drug
Published Date: December 23rd, 2016

This drug uses the non-psychoactive parts of Cannabis. It has no addictive properties. It shouldn't be scheduled as any kind of scheduled restricted drug, let alone the absolute worst SCHEDULE 1. So what is really going on? This Oil can often help with problems that expensive pharmaceutical drugs cannot. I've seen this with elderly patients who rub it on arthritic limbs and have it work better than expensive prescriptions drugs. I believe THAT is why it is schedule 1. Big Pharmaceutical companies benefit from this, and so does the Prison Industrial Complex.

Steem On!


All mainstream is done. Nearly 100% logical fallacies. Real thinkers can't listen to that crap.
If Swan is unbiased, he should go to a real news channel.

Perhaps it would be better if at least some real, unbiased journalists stay with the MSM. As much as you may feel "it's done". A lot of people still consider it not only legitimate, but the only source of truth. It would be nice if there were a little legitimacy to still to be found there. And I agree with the dwinblood, Ben Swann seems to be the real deal.

He did do his own sight before. He also has done RT, but it is easy to SAY go to a "real news channel", when people have to make a living. Instead you should be amazed he manages to remain unbiased despite working for a smaller CBS outlet. I have not seen him push an agenda yet.

pretty sure his show is already affiliated with the MSM? == CBS

Very good collection! I hope you will succeed one day to bring this guy here.

swann is one of the very few who truly does unbiased reporting and sticks directly to the facts. He's in a league of his own.

I agree. I'd love to see him posting here, but until he does every so often I share some of his stuff in hopes more people will become aware of him.

Feel free to beat me to it. :)

yes, and I was quite surprised the first time I saw him ... on CBS!!!

I was surprised too... then pleasantly surprised when it seems he didn't sell out and is still practicing good Journalism.

Great post @dwinblood, though I would have reservations about his new home at CBS - is he really allowed free rein over his editorial? I would like to hope but reality bites back. A brand like that is pretty well ring-fenced.
Anyway, seems like there are a few people who like to cross-check the validity of their content. See you in the steemnews room! You may have seen my Syria posts. It is thoroughly vile what is being done, essentially a US/Israel coup.
Upvoted and followed!

So far Ben still seems to be approaching it unbiased. Which is pleasantly surprising.

As to your posts, I have not seen them yet, though I just clicked to follow you and will go check them out.

Not that it means a huge amount but one of my posts got to Page2 on a Google search! I had no idea until I was told my someone else! News is changing shape so I really hope that Ben manages to retain some objective independence - we need It!
Same, voted and followed

Wow...There's a lot of good stuff in there! Now I'm going to have to check Mr. Swann out...Thanks! Upvoted

happy to see this post made so much!

Good stuff I don't have the time to watch Ben and it is good to see I get a lot of my information here thank you

Thanks for this! Didn't know about Ben Swann.

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