From a slave to a master, chapter # 29 - the key of beliefs, Part VII

in #beliefs6 years ago (edited)

This article is published again because the steemit blockchain platform was down when I published it the first time, causing minimum exposure of this content

A Memoir

The reservoir of beliefs that each of us holds within, is the main factor that influences what happens to us. If we deeply accept this axiom we automatically free ourselves from major psychic blocks.

The personal beliefs that we hold regarding our daily lives form each moment and second whether or not such a moment is happy or tragic. If, for instance, your personal beliefs took you to a place of self-esteem, absolute certainty in the existence of TrueLove and undoubted knowing that you are worthy enough to experience it here and now, then TrueLove would definitely and instantly manifest in your life. The fact that such thing has not happened yet only means that your beliefs have not been fined enough, have not become accurate enough, to reach the necessary level to allow that. Anyhow, this is what we are here for.


Credit: colossal

Whereas each of us has their own personal and unique beliefs that were crystallized along the years, there are still several common beliefs that all of us, the human race, accept and adopt, to a lesser or greater extent.

These beliefs can be likened to huge and heavy steam-rollers which press on us from above and prevent us from growing and expanding. The mechanism of those rollers is similar to a vacuum: no matter how hard we may pull the cover from the outside it will not be released and our immense effort will be to no avail. Nonetheless, as soon as we make a small change from within, like allowing a small bubble of air to enter the empty space, the mechanism will be effortlessly released at once without having to invest any pressure. Such is the case with the prominent beliefs that govern the bigger portion of our thinking. As soon as we recognize them, understand them and invest a little time to work with them, they will be discharged. Then, the feeling of freedom will be highly tangible.

  • The first belief that many people hold, and surprisingly enough specifically those who hold religious world-views, is the belief that the kingdom of the humans and the kingdom of love are separate places which exist on different levels of the reality. The religious terminology would say that God and humans are not closely related or attached to each other and we can never attain godhood in this reality. Indeed, some of the priests or the religious believers are willing to go one step further to broaden their belief and to say that in every human being lies a spark of god or a light from divinity. However, in their eyes, a total merging of the spiritual world and the earthly world remains a taboo.

It’s sad to say but as long as you continue to believe in such separation TrueLove and its kingdom will remain distant and unattained. Not because you are punished; not because your belief is wrong and you must be educated “the truth”; but simply because you create your own life and your sheer belief, like any other natural law, creates such a disjointed reality. You will keep chasing after TrueLove but as soon as you get closer and reach out your hand to touch it, you will realize that a high and unseen wall divides between you two. That wall is the cover that was created by the belief that there is a separation between you, the human, and spirit/god/nature – you name it. The truth is as always: the human's world and the spirits world is one.


Credit: Yahoo

  • The second belief takes the situation to the other side of the scale, to the opposite extremity. That belief claims that in order to connect with the spiritual world, with the “higher and sublime” worlds, one must make a significant effort to distinguish and to eradicate any connection to the materialistic self that is, to one’s human characters. Those who take after that belief, are willing to admit that TrueLove does exist but at the same token they would tell you that because you are still humble human beings with memories, dreams, wishes, wants, desires and feelings you cannot possibly connect with the kingdom of love. Their advice to you would be to make a great effort to deny your human self – emotionally and mentally – so then it would be possible for you to reunite with the spiritual world where you will meet your TrueLove.

The truth is different. Your human self is a valuable and precious gift that grants you the feasibility to live in the physical world. When you reach the level of TrueLove, still in this body and in the physical reality, you will still carry along your memories, your thoughts and the beautiful self that you currently know. Any attempt to trace a new path, a special meditation, certain foods to consume or weird rituals to follow in order to forget your human-self will only take you away from TrueLove; why? because TrueLove wants to feel and to experience the physical world through the channel that you provide. If it saw that you are denying your humanness or treat your body poorly, it would simply go and search for a new appropriate conduit.



Articel is very wise @nomad-magus. I personally, the belief that is in our minds. If we believe, then we will not hesitate to try, act, and take risks in doing business. Belief will shape our actions. Actions based on belief will be different from actions without confidence. In fact, if there is no belief at all, most people are silent, never act.

Thanks for this My Teacher @nomad-magus

if there is no belief at all, most people are silent, never act.

An Interesting thought.
On the other hand, often beliefs impede people from acting, when for example they believe they don't have the power to succeed.

Yes, I understand, but strong belief will result in strong actions so that they are able to face obstacles. Action directed so that it is effective towards the goal. In contrast to actions without beliefs that are usually easy to give up, even for trivial reasons. Beliefs form actions, and beliefs are in our minds.

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