Behind The Photo - Contest - Nairo Quintana promoting Cycling.

in #behindthephoto5 years ago (edited)

This publication is a response to the call made by @nelyp to participate in this new contest called "Behind the Photo". Thanks to our sponsor @appreciate and our judge @johan.norberg in conjunction with @nelyp.

Nairo Quintana is this year's winner (2019) of The Tour of France and was born in Boyacá, Colombia. Although I am not Boyasence (I am Venezuelan), but I am infected by the emotion that the people of this town feel for their proud cycling man.


Since last Friday the cyclist is in Villa de Leyva doing a promotion of his sport and have made a stir in the town closing streets and doing a cycling tour where all the citizen was invited to participate.

parque, ciclistas, flores, payasos, muñecos, militares, sombra, 039.jpg

Today Sunday is the last day of activities and I did not want to miss it, so I had to walk 8 kilometers to be able to come to town with the hope of meeting the famous cyclist

I am only a fan of photography but I know that the most professional have their difficulties too, but if you want the work you have to overcome them.

parque, ciclistas, flores, payasos, muñecos, militares, sombra, 075.jpg

My camera is my phone, it is not very sophisticated but it takes good photos considerably, it has no lens and the editor I use is one that brings the program of my phone that works well for me.

parque, ciclistas, flores, payasos, muñecos, militares, sombra, 044.jpg

Walking through the streets I could see the love they have for the young man of the bicycle, his admiration and his respect.

parque, ciclistas, flores, payasos, muñecos, militares, sombra, 083.jpg

The deployment of policemen is without equal and that is that all the events carried out here are taken seriously since it is the only entertainment they have, there is no cinema in Villa de Leyva or shopping centers to see. It is actually a small town.

parque, ciclistas, flores, payasos, muñecos, militares, sombra, 093.jpg

Every time I can, I come to the town in search of a photograph, so it is not the first time nor will it be the last. Only when I return to my Venezuela I will have to look for locations as good as this one.

parque, ciclistas, flores, payasos, muñecos, militares, sombra, 112.jpg

Nairo Quintana promoviendo el Ciclismo

Esta publicación es una respuesta al llamado que nos hace @nelyp a participar en este nuevo concurso llamado ¨Detrás de la Foto¨. Gracias a nuestro patrocinador @appreciate y nuestro juez @johan.norberg en conjunto con @nelyp.

Nairo Quintana es el ganador de este año (2019) de El Tour de France y nació en Boyacá, Colombia. Aunque yo no soy Boyasence (soy Venezolana) me contagio de la emoción que siente la gente de este pueblo por su orgulloso hombre del ciclismo. Desde el Viernes pasado el ciclista está en Villa de Leyva haciendo una promoción de su deporte y han hecho un revuelo en el pueblo cerrando calles y haciendo una vuelta ciclistica donde todo el ciudadano estaba invitado a participar. Hoy Domingo es el último día de actividades y no me lo quería perder, así que tuve que caminar 8 kilómetros para poder venir al pueblo con la esperanza de conocer al famoso ciclista.

Yo solo soy una aficionada de la fotografía pero se que los más profesionales tienen sus dificultades también, pero si se quiere el trabajo hay que superarlos. Mi cámara es mi teléfono, no es muy sofisticado pero toma buenas fotos considerablemente, no tiene lente y el editor que uso es uno que trae el programa de mi teléfono que me funciona bien. Caminando por las calles pude ver el amor que le tienen al jóven de la bicicleta, su admiración y su respeto. The deployment of policemen is without equal and that is that all the events carried out here are taken seriously since it is the only entertainment they have, there is no cinema in Villa de Leyva or shopping centers to see. It is actually a small town.

Cada vez que puedo me vengo a pié al pueblo en busca de una fotografía, así que no es la primera vez ni tampoco será la última. Solo que cuando regrese a mi Venezuela voy a tener que buscar locaciones tan buenas como esta.


Thank you so much for taking part in our contest! I am sure that your Venezuela also has lots of great locations to take good photos with amazing stories behind.

We wish you the best of luck in the contest.

¡Muchas gracias por participar en el concurso! Seguro que su Venezuela tembién tiene muy buenas localizaciones para sacar fotos con una buena historia detrás :)

Le deseamos la mejor de la suerte en el concurso.

Thank you very much @nelyp, Of course it does and they will be better when we are free again.

Thank you @isabelpena for your entry to the contest! Good luck!

Thanks to you and your team for this great idea. I hope it thrives and we continue to do more contests.

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