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RE: Behind the Curtain with the Renegades

in #behindthecurtain6 years ago (edited)

No, not the whole thing, just bits and pieces on the Babycenter forums. I lucked out in that around here one of the local OB's is an advocate for midwifery at the state level, and so the practice was ok with working in tandem with her as far as checkups and such went. I also lucked out in having a completely uncomplicated pregnancy. However they flat out told me they wouldn't support a home birth, they preferred a scenario where my midwife functioned as a doula in the hospital. I simply flouted their "advice" and stayed home because hospital regs dictated that I'd have to push in the OR no matter what and that if I labored past 18 hours I was going for a C-section regardless of how well things were going. I hate hospitals anyway and knowing I'd have a ticking clock over my head set me against it. So Pixie was somewhat dramatically birthed at home, but then my body decided it was done and we ended up having to go to the hospital to evict Little Man. It was awful, no privacy or control at all and plunged me into PPD.

I'm sorry you didn't get the home water birth you wanted. It frustrates me so much when people say "well a healthy baby is all that matters, get over it" because we mommas matter too!


You are like my twin mom bff!! You should totally write your birth story one day. I, for one, would love to read it.

You are so brave to have decided to stay home. I am in awe! I was not brave enough, even though I despise hospitals and how they treat birth and delivery. This conversation is lighting a fire under my butt to get that birth story written! I have so much to share with you. Whether you want it or not. Ha!

If we had discovered twins later on, I could have kept my midwives in conjunction with an OB but because we discovered them early they had to refer me. Once upon a time midwives and OBs could work together but the way health care is set up here they are both considered a primary care provider so using both is considered "double billing" the system. Thankfully, my midwives referred me to a midwife friendly OB. He wasn't on call that day but the guy I ended up with was pretty relaxed and didn't push anything on me I didn't want. But that wasn't the case for all the health care workers we came across.

I also hate when people expect you to just get over when your birth doesn't go as planned too. Its not like having a meal delivered to you wrong, it's a sacred experience and should be treated as such. I also experienced some pretty intense PPD but am glad to report the fog is finally lifting. -Aimee

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