What’s The Leaf Cutter Bees Hive? How Bees Live There? BEES.

in #bees8 years ago (edited)

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The leaf cutter bees hive is something like a wooden hotel for bees.
Human is not only the one creatures who need a habitation. There’re well-furnished hotels for pets everywhere. They started to appear in a great amount the last few years. People reasoned that bees aren’t worse. Moreover, they’re very useful and make honey despite of the fact that they’re not the members of family like pats in the most cases. In this way, people started to build hotels for bees.

How leaf cutter bees hive looks like?

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It looks very differently. Some of them are one tier and multistory; some of them are a like a real houses with many tiers and multistory too. Every «apartment» is differ from another one a lot. Some of holes are small, some of them are big; they have different sizes, structure and form. You can see the pictures of some leaf cutter bees hives calls «wooden bees’ hotels» below.
Of course, the bees’ hotel can’t even compare with a real hotel for people. It’s not that important for bees if the conditions are comfortable or not. The most important in this «building» for bees are holes where they can put off the larvae.
For «hotel» like that is very good, more precisely, perfect to have complete «numbers». For bees that’s not important from what material they are done. The most important when you choose the material is to choose something that won’t be harmful for bees. The most common materials are hollow bamboo or wooden sticks.

How to build the hotel for bees?

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  1. The most important is to prepare a rectangular frame; it’s a foundation for future hotel. To do this, connect four wooden planks. The optimal deep of a frame is approximately 10 cm.
  2. Then you should choose the hollow rods. It’s desirable to find materials of different diameter from 2 and even to 10 mm. It’s important to keep track of the rods because the walls inside tubes must be smooth not to harm the insects.
  3. Sticks are trimming for deep of frame. After that, you should just carefully fill by them all free space.
  4. After all of that, you should choose the place for your hotel for bees. The sunlight should light the constriction the most part of the day. Moreover, it must be the direct sunlight. You also should ensure that the hotel for bees won’t become wet in the rainy days because if it is like that, all the bees will leave the hotel very soon. You should hang or place your hotel on a one meter height. What’s more, that’s a minimum. Don’t forget to get rid of excess vegetation which can block the access to insects in their home.

For what kind of bees these hotels are attractive and why?

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The number of bees is reduced sharply in recent years. Pesticides destroy a huge number of these beneficial insects. Moreover, not just pesticides do this dirty work.
The hotels like that attract the bees on the areas. However, the most of the bees who aspire into these hotels are lonely bees, the bees who doesn’t have their own family. They can’t just come to a big unknown family and ask to take them into their hive. It’s like in the cities or even towns: people can’t come to unknown family or even to rivals for a very long time and ask to take them forever. They try to find an apartment or a room where everyone is like them: without a big «family» and trying to make his own one. Bees are social insects, they can’t live in the whole loneliness, so it’s not a good way for them to fins an apartment. They will just die in the loneliness. They should have their hive, their family. In this way, many lonely bees are going to the hotels like that to make their own new family.

What’s the benefits of these bees’ hotels?

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By building leaf cutter bees or bees’ hotels, how they are called, you kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, it’s a benefit for you and, secondly, you help our ecology a little bit. As it was told above, the number of bees is reduced sharply in recent years because many other creatures kill bees. Moreover, people often watered their fields with chemicals which are deadly not just for insects which people want to kill but for bees too.
It’s a real ecological help because after any kind of catastrophe, for example, there are lonely bees who try to find a family. They are going to these hotels. It’s a real help for insects if the hotel is built in the right way.
Adding to that, it’s a great benefit for you. Bees are very useful insects. Firstly, they make really great and healthy honey. Moreover, bees are useful not just because of their honey. Anyway, having a bees’ hotel on your green area is a great benefit.

Thank you for your attention!

@kental with you!

Let's learn beekeeping together!

Follow me If you want to learn more about beekeeping! 

P.S. This article was wrote special for @englishtchrivy. Here all the answers to your questions


Upvoted! @kental thank you very much
you were actually talking about this one
I actually checked out the old post and was thinking - whaaaaaaaaaaattttt?
I read that already but ok ...
So it was this you were talking about
I bookmarked it - dead tired now - brain is on low battery mode
need recharging hahah
Thank you very much

no problem)

Am off to bed - too tired to write right now ..
don't want to post article that's done in a rush ..
goodnight ...brain not absorbing now...
bookmarked for tomorrow
Goodnight on my side of the earth
maybe.. have a great evening for you?

I wrote this article special for you. But you not very glad

@ kental I wrote you a very long reply - down at the bottom
don't let whatever you are thinking now - ruin your day

@kental thank you for this very valuable information, I appreciate it a lot. It would be very useful for me specially that I have two bee hotels. You're a big help!

However, I'm worried and I just got a bit upset cause the 2nd picture on this article is actually mine and I uploaded that in my tinypic.com account but when I clicked the image source it redirects to imgur.com and I don't have an account there. My tinypic.com account is set in private and there's no way they could hack it. So I don't get it how that ended up in imgur.com. It's my picture so I was expecting it would redirect to me. Could you please change the photo credit to me? Anyway, to back up my claim that it's mine, you could read the comment thread on @jwaser's post https://steemit.com/bee/@jwaser/the-weekly-bee#@englishtchrivy/re-jwaser-the-weekly-bee-20160825t221423581z
That's where I posted it first . Very sleepy last night so I didn't notice. Just read it now.

sorry, but this picture you gave me! And i upload this picture to imgur, okay?

@kental - I see - it's okay if its you who uploaded it - I was worried and thought maybe you looked for it's direct link and found it on imgur. I didn't really give you the picture, I just posted it on the reply and I also used a direct link to do that. I also didn't give that to @jwaser - and she knows that. I did gave @jwaser permission to use one of my pictures of bees on one of her articles.
I just needed to find out how it got to imgur. I understand that you used it to write this article and so - IT'S OKAY.
Don't get upset THIS ARTICLE IS GOING TO HELP ME A LOT AND I AM VERY THANKFUL TO YOU FOR THAT. I just worried that my photo ended up to the wrong person but knowing that it is you - makes it feel better. May I just request that you put that on a private setting so no one else could use it?
Let's not have a misunderstanding, I didn't see your reply sooner than I should because I was on @givemeyoursteem's tail. This is what happens when we can't talk face to face and I also don't steemit chat which I should probably learn doing now - to make "asking questions like this" be just directed to you and not posted on replies like this. I just needed to know how it ended up in imgur - I didn't know it was you.
You may use that picture as much as you want but I hope that you understand that I DIDN'T GIVE it to you nor to @jwaser - it stays as MY PICTURE and I think it's fair to ask to give me the credit. I hope you understand that.
It's just a picture - I hope it doesn't make you hate me - I'm a fan of your posts. Have a great day and cheer up!

Okay, Thank you!

@kental I'm glad we could sort this things out
Have a great day!
I'm going to do the same ;D

Proud Follower
I learned something here today

Thank you!

Nice n epic bee habitat it also good for environment + it also protect crops form bug . if farmer can give this type motel to bee happily stay with him ( no gmo can use to abuse plants )🙌 free honey . so no sugar can be use in coffee

Yeah, you're right!! Follow me and you'll learn more

Nice article, interesting read...Thanks

I very tried. Thanks

Even if bees don't live in it's still cool to have.

Yeah. I agree with you.

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