My Office for the day!


Sometimes, Beerology has its benefits! Today was one of those days. Perfect for #beersaturday!

I had a service call where I was visiting a brewery client who had inadvertently melted their kitchen printer under the heat lamp. No this isn't covered under warranty. No I cannot fix it. Yes you have to buy a new one. A couple painful weekends for a kitchen who counts on 2 chits and a loud noise to alert them that an order is coming in later, the printer comes in and I am dispatched.

A little while in and my friend Shelley asks me if I would like lunch! I hadn't even thought of lunch and was half in my last appointment, half in this one and half in my next one. (yes I have a brain and a half) Here are some fantastic chipotle tacos so generously provided by the kitchen!



I replaced the hardware, got it configured to work with the system and insisted I waited around a bit to make sure everything was working for everyone before leaving. That is my business manager skills mixing with being a technician for the day. While waiting, I was presented with the taps menu as I AM a beerologist afterall.



I sampled an IPA with lactose sugar, lime and peach which was a nice sweet surprise. Passing on that and my standing favourite Buggywhip IPA I opted for the Recoil Pale Ale. It is lighter on the ABV but still damn tasty. I am not sure I tasted lemon loaf but it was nice, considerably hoppy and citrussy tasting.

What a great way to spend time on the clock and making a client happy. Reciprocal efforts are much appreciated and make for the best business relationships.



Many thanks to my beer knowledgable guy behind the counter! Great conversation and fantastic beer.


If you are a beer lover, you really should check out #beersaturday and grab a pint with @detlev and all the people in the steem pub. Great community. Great prizes and awesome subject matter! BEER!




Did you have a beer at work today?

Posted via

I need that iPad standard that look really nice,
Oh and the beer info was also nice hahahahah
And the photo of the guy is a bit cruel he has his mouth open hahahha

The iPad stand is called a Mantis Stand Worth the extra investment for businesses for sure.

It is an unfortunate pic but he was talking about beer and I shot a sneaky shot so I wouldn't spook him. "So this guy at the bar was taking pictures of me....."

You got paid for drinking beer! Awesome! Kinda reminds me of the time I got paid while conceiving a child.

I know there is a story there and you are NOT getting away with a teaser like that without details! ;)

Hahaha. Yeah, I suppose that was quite a lead in.

About a lifetime ago I worked for an IT company (I still work for an IT company, just a different one now) where I supported multiple customers. I had to keep track of my time spent on each customer for billing purposes.

I was the "SME" (Subject Matter Expert) for the particular application at the time, so when the time rolled around to run upgrades, I was the lucky chap to get to do it. It was a long, boring process, which included a good 4-6 hours of waiting for the database to upgrade.

The upgrades had to be done in the off hours, so once I got this one particular upgrade running at about 10:00pm and all I could do was wait for several hours for it to complete. I had some time on my hands. We were watching tv, got bored, and things went from there. And I was on the clock, so submitted my hours accordingly. :)

HAHAH Yah! I/T and getting laid usually don't happen in the same story either!

I run an I/T company supporting small businesses with their technology. Trying to explain to clients why upgrades need to be done, and why they might be in store for an outage of sorts is painful.

Now THAT'S how you work!

No kidding! I/T is usually quite a bore. Certainly shook it up that time!

Looks like your day turned out great! Just very different than planned.

Posted using Partiko iOS

It did.

At the end of it, I had done some really good business, got a bunch of constructive things done, hung with my peeps at #pypt, AND had beer on the job.

Business ownership has its pains in the ass but you gotta live in the moment when it is like this!

I’m impressed you have turned a passion into a career. I’m jealous of the beer at work. I’m sure my employer would be more than happy to let me go for that offense.

BOOOOO! Come works for me and we can have beer whenever the hell we want!

It is funny, my passion for beer translates really well into the business relationships I have with the breweries.

Mutually beneficial relationship.

That offer sounds tempting AF

Could be worse for sure. When I get lunch and a beer, I knock off any travel expenses to make sure it is a win/win.

Sounds like a great day on the job!

Funny when you can combine something you like with business, how much that works for everyone.

You sure know how to "work" it lol!

Getting a free lunch is awesome, especially when it includes beer. I also ate Mexican style for lunch, but I paid for those.


No this isn't covered under warranty. No I cannot fix it. Yes you have to buy a new one.

Good #beersaturday one too! I need to do one of those, been a while!

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