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RE: Dry January?!? No Chance, I’m polishing off all the Christmas Beer – Part 1

Hey holbein81! I have learned so much about beer from your posts, and was pleasantly surprised to see BeerLao included in this new one. I currently live in Lao, and can perhaps add some additional information for you. They have, of course, the export and non-export versions of BeerLao. The export is one of my favorites off all lagers - light, a bit fruity, crisp. I think you would really enjoy some of the Vietnamese beers (ex. Bia Saigon) which - in this region of SEA - is more similar to BeerLao. Vietnam is a whole other world of drinks. They even have Bia Hoi, which is literally beer the people brew themselves and then serve in plastic jugs (photo below), and it's like 4,000 VND (equivalent to HALF a USD). Total SWILL, but excellent for getting "down and dirty" with some HARDCORE local Vietnamese food, which is - in my opinion - one of the BEST cuisines in the world, and one which CANNOT be consumed without beer. The non-export BeerLao is sold in yellow crates for 100,000 kip (which is roughly $12.50 USD). If you buy in crates you basically pay for 10 (ten) 660 ml bottles and get the LAST TWO free. The non-export version is DEFINITELY not up to the same standard as the export, and some bottles have just not tasted right to me. The Lao people also ABUSE this stuff pretty seriously, and eventually you get a bit turned off by it. But I agree that the EXPORT version is very nice. I hope you will get your hands on some Vietnamese beers and include them in upcoming reviews...


Wow, what great comments, thanks!!

We have a Vietnamese restaurant near to us and I really like it - no idea how original it is, but good for me

And I love the sound of the beer - you've convinced me, I need to visit!!


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