BeerSaturday Challenge #60. Tell your story, drink beer and enjoy.

in #beersaturday6 years ago

The Aguila beer is a Colombian beer, I will tell you a little about the history of this great Colombian beer.


Aguila beer saw its origins in Baranquilla in 1913, Barranquilla is a city in Colombia. One of its founders was Ernesto Cortissoz, who was an entrepreneur who saw the economic potential of making a Colombian beer and founded the Barranquilla brewery.In 1933 it was bought by Mario Santo Domingo. With this new owner came new advertising strategies and famous Colombian slogans were created as "Give me an Eagle but flying" this made the brand and the beer became even more popular. Everything was going great until the beer Germania, from Bavaria, arrived in Barranquilla.


An intense struggle began for the Colombian market where the Barranquilla brewery made a terrible mistake, changing its label to a white one without the name Barranquilla with the idea of making it more popular but this was its commercial death.


The Bavaria brewery won the market of Barranquilla and Colombia and thus the Aguila was coming to an end, but in a last attempt to survive the owner of the Aguila beer offered an alliance with his competition and succeeded in 1968 when Aguila merged with Bavaria Águila became number one in the market and in 1995 began to sponsor Colombian professional soccer.
In 2005, Bavaria was sold to SABMiller but this was no problem for Águila, which is the second most consumed beer in the country, after Poker, its flavor, and even its logo, remain intact, like its slogan: 'Unparalleled and always same'.

This was all for this week, friends, I leave you with one last picture to enjoy this delicious beer. What do you think of this combination? Beer, chocolate and strawberries. If you like beers, be sure to participate in this fun contest.



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