The Battle Between the Russian Imperial Stouts

in #beersaturday7 years ago (edited)

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Hello, beer-loving Steemians! As I couldn't manage to write a beer post last weekend, I decided to do a special "VS" review today - The Battle Between the Russian Imperial Stouts. Just to make clear from the beginning, none of these brews is made in Russia (by the way, finding Russian beers in Bulgaria is not easy) - LA Konrad's Stout comes from Norway while Thornbridge Saint Petersburg is from near Sheffield in the UK. That being said, both of the brews incorporate Russian elements (the red color and the star) in the design of their labels.

Getting in the mood to drink beer. The first one of you that manages to guess the name of the song will receive a full-power upvote. Hint - it's a popular Russian folk song.

Getting Ready.jpg

My tools. Once you drink beer from a jar, you can never go back to beer glasses (I'm joking).

I also took a self-portrait before starting. The Olympus 12-40mm f/2.8 has some excellent macro capabilities.

Ready, steady, go!

LA Konrad's Stout (~ 4.5€) vs Thornbridge Saint Petersburg (~ 3€)

Color and Aroma

Konrad's Stout pours tar black in the glass with a tiny mocha-brown head, which I thought would dissipate quickly. Luckily, that didn't happen. The aroma is a blend of malt and chocolate - it makes me think that the taste will be on the sweet side. There's also the smell of something roasted, which I am not able to identify. My sense of smell is not the best after years of abuse with nasal sprays.

Saint Petersburg is also black in color, but its big creamy head looks delicious and inviting in comparison. It's long-lasting, and it leaves nice patterns on the sides of the jar. The aroma is sweet, malty and smokey.




Taste-wise, these stouts are very different! Konrad's stout is pleasantly sweet with hints of coconut, milk chocolate, and malt. The body is smooth and goes down the throat with ease: the carbonation is perfect. There's a long and slightly sour aftertaste, which reminds me of good Arabica coffee. I am impressed with the taste.

Saint Petersburg, on the other hand, starts off sweet; however, the sweetness lasts in my mouth for less than 1/3 of a second before it's abruptly replaced by strong bitterness. It almost feels as if I am eating one of these 95% cocoa chocolates. Likewise, the aftertaste is bitter and long-lasting. Although carbonation is good, I find this one hard to drink.

The Winner
You probably guessed it already :) The winner is LA Konrad's Stout! It was much more enjoyable to drink compared to the overly bitter Saint Petersburg. Now, I am not saying that Saint Petersburg was bad; it's just that I am not the biggest fan of pronounced bitterness. There are many people out there who love such beers.


Cheers, thank you for reading, and have a wonderful weekend!

With this beer post, I am participating in the weekly #beersaturday challenge, which is run by @detlev. You can see the main post and all entries here. If you'd like to help me win the contest, please visit the main post and upvote my comment. Thank you!


Both beers look great, I think I would like any of the two, nice post.

I guess the song is "Kalinka""

You nailed it! 😁 Thank you, man, glad that you liked it!

Както винаги, интересни бирени ревюта от твоя страна! Винаги се забавлявам да ги чета. Поздрави от Казанлък!

Благодаря много! 😊 Радвам се, че ти харесват. Бях ти писал коментар, но може и да не си го видял - ти участвал ли си в тази надпревара с бирите?

Не съм още, трябва да се поинтересувам за какво става въпрос.

Публикуваш един бирен пост и линка към него го постваш като коментар в седмичния пост #beersaturday пост. Всеки един upvote на коментара ти дава ticket, в който участваш в томболата - колкото повече билети, толкова по-голям шансът да влезеш в едно от първите 5 места. Аз съм го правил няколко пъти вече :) Може да последваш @detlev (той организира всичко) - мисля, че днес ще публикува поста за тазседмичната надпревара.

Благодаря за информацията! Ще се включа.

Your selfie is awesome! And the winner beer...I’ll be honest...I might actually enjoy, as you’ve described it. Dark beers are generally the only ones I ever like. And that one sounds intriguing.

My incredibly shot-in-the-dark stab at the song: Ekh Yablochko (Эх, яблочко) 🍻

Hahahahaha! I see someone already nailed the song. And I’m still in the dark 😄

Haha, here's the proof that I was listening to Kalinka:

P1140580 - resized.jpg

As for the selfie - thank you, Lisa! 🙇 Beers like the LA are very easy to drink, and I think that even ladies will enjoy and appreciate them. Plus, one of them is probably enough to make you tipsy :)

Dude, two sips would probably make ME tipsy 😄

Another great beer commercial :) I upvoted your comment on the contest site - good luck!

Thank you so much, Deb!

I see your relationship with the jars is becoming closer and closer :D I'm so proud of myself!

Absolutely :D I'm keeping these two for the next beer battle

Great post and reviews! Resteemed! Upvoted on the contest entries also!

Cheers, man!

Thanks a lot, man! Although I didn't win, I much appreciate your support :-)

I've had the Lervig before - and can confirm that it's a very very good beer, maybe a touch on the boozy side, but it's kind of thing I would expect. Also great photos, I'll go a far to say you take the best beer photos on steemit.

That's one of the best compliments that I have received! Thank you so much, Harvey! 🙇
The beer was indeed on the boozy side, but I liked that. Do you have any experience with Nøgne Ø, by the way? I discovered a new craft beer shop yesterday, and they had a huge selection of their beers.

I consider myself a nonbeer drinker (well maybe I will drink if you offer me Lambic beer) and still enjoy your posts... as a guide! :)

If you ever happen to come to Sofia (or if I ever happen to visit your city in Romania), I will surely offer you/bring you a nice lambic beer :) And I'll take photos of you drinking it!

So you like stout, me too for a winter beer. Maybe I will do another tasting soon :)

As someone from the beer community put it excellently: stouts are also soul-warmers :) Thanks for stopping by, Lakshmi.

Thank you so much for making such a blog so important to tell us about beer

Yes, indeed. It's like a mission! Thank you Dan for sacrifice!

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