Tipples Beer Review #117 - De Moersleutel Motorolie Wedzone Sliwki RIS (NED)

in #beersaturday5 years ago

Motorolie (1 of 1).JPG

Well now we might have a new winner in the longest beer name ever, and certainly for this non-dutch speaker the hardest to pronounce, also in that heading I abbreviated the style to RIS - it's a Russian Imperial Stout, which is a higher alcohol (and therefore higher malt) version of a Stout - nominally made for the the journey to Russia a bit like the I in IPA stands for Indian - of course all these stories are probably lies.

There is nothing in the bottle or label design to hint this is going to be amazing, the whole thing remind me of cheap american motorcar pinup girl art that you see in discount stores, but my Brother bought this for me for Christmas and he has pretty good taste so this must be good.

It pours pitch black with almost no head. It smells smokey, like a bacon flavoured cheese (I don't understand if that's a thing in countries other than Australia) Anyway it's to say it's smokey, but not like a camp fire it's more gentle than that there is no acridness.

The taste is amazing, a beautiful soft silky mouthfeel - full with tobacco flavours coming through, not cigarettes which don't smell like tobacco they well like chemicals, but if you have ever smelt an old cigar box, this smells like that.

So smooth and approachable for a 12% smoke monster, I'm so impressed - Europeans - go buy this.

And lastly it's week 99 for #BeerSaturday organised by @Detlev - go check it out here: https://steemit.com/contest/@detlev/already-99-weeks-of-the-beersaturday-challenge-have-a-beer-and-get-beer-token I imagine next week is going to be huge so why not enter this week and get some practice. Oh at vote for this post below and in the comments on that main post to help me win.


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Hey @harveyword, here is your BEER token. Enjoy it!

Well now isn't that nice, thanks

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I'm just curious about last part of it's name, cause it is in polish and means "smoked plums", why they used polish, is it any collaboration beer? I couldn't find any information on their website. BTW I had to find it and try.

No mention of Poles, is it maybe that Polish and Russian would be similar words, and given its a Russia. Imperial stout they are using some Russia. - Curious none the less

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice post, and I do like the label. As a South African I can read the label it translates as follow. Moer = Nut, Sleutel = wrench thus it says nut-wrench. Motorolie = motor oil, I suppose that must be in line with the color. (I cannot make out what is written next to it in the smaller print.)

That certainly looks like motor oil :-)

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