At Least I'm Inside

in #beersaturday6 years ago (edited)

Tough day at work. The boss would not get off my ass. I swear, there are times I think he's losing his mind. I'm as good as anyone else there. Anyone could have broken that big ass thing. And that lady made way too much fuss over that small dent it made in her car. Shit, give me a felt pen and I could fix that right now.
I am looking forward tonite to getting home, sitting in my chair and watching some wrestling. The ol' lady is out tonite, so it's just me and beer and the surround sound.
Just thinking about it gives me a warm feeling inside.
Yes, her car isn't here, she has already left. Probably picked up Becky and that other woman from her work. They don't really like her much, but she's a real whizz with that bowling ball. I open the door and go inside. There are always surprises at my house when I open the front door. Just last week I was run over by two huge dobermans when I walked in. I guess we were supposed to be baby-sitting them. Took me two whole damn hours to get those dogs back. Tonite tho, there's a poured beer on the table. Some surprises are good, I decided. And it's not even #beersaturday!
And the TV remotes were right there for me. Ah, this is going to be great I thought. She's finally let me back in the house and she's being nice. Bitchen. I get some chips, turn on the TV and settle in my chair. I drink down some of the beer. Good, I thought. Kinda strong flavored with a hoppy taste and a flow of fruit around it. But it's a good flavor. I sat and drank and ate chips until there was a break before the next match. I thought I' take a closer look at the beer I was drinking. I was already feel my head getting higher after just one.
Holy Shit! I thought. No wonder it was already getting to me, it's 7.1% alc and I just chugged down a whole pint. Hmm, but then I look at the label: Belching Beaver made it? What a name. Ahh, then I look at the name: PHANTOM BRIDE. Whoa, I didn't know beaver skulls looked like that. Maybe she's giving me a hint...she's a phantom!?
I better have another beer and read this label some more. It's made here in Oceanside , in San Diego County. It says it's made from Amarillo, Citra, Simcoe and Mosaic hops. I liked it. It lingered for a while but was citrousy and very pleasant. I was thinking hard and the beer was going down quickly. I got another one from the fridge.
Another hop-strong Southern Cal IPA. Excellent. The chips are gone and she's not back yet. I wonder - Will she come back or is she like a phantom


Beer Saturday, what a great initiative. :-)

I know! But it's up to us to keep it alive. So, while it's a sacrifice - I'll try. :-))

I'm in the UAE, Friday and Saturday is weekend. I have no beer. I'll have to make do with some fine brandy

Brandy works as well. We'll make you an honorary member. :-)) Good luck.

It is 10pm, my baby is asleep. Time to pour.

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