Beer of the Day - Stone Smoked Porter with Chocolate Orange Peel

in #beeroftheday6 years ago

Stone Smoked Porter with Chocolate Orange Peel

We decided early on that we wouldnt do seasonal beers for the sake of doing seasonal beers. Summer ales and winter lagers certainly have a ring to them. Big-beer focus groups prove consumers get a kick out of them, and macrobrew marketing analyses suggest they sell well. But for us, beer comes first, much as Stone Smoked Porter came first. Actually, it came secondoddly enough, in the form of a seasonal. Our co-founder and original brewmaster, Steve Wagner, thought it would be an innovative, warming creation suited for winterand it was. Legend has it Gregs mom agreed. But rather than relegating fans to nine peat-smoked-porterless months and building revenue-generating fervor for the cold season, we made it a year-round release. Nowadays, we brew a trio of tasty takes on this smoky, sultry vanguard. But the closest they come to being seasonals is that they are enhanced with seasonally driven ingredients such as vanilla bean and chipotle peppers. This version, released in the literally gray area separating sunshine and snowfall, incorporates dark chocolate and dried orange peel, making for a semisweet, citrus-nuanced porter that comes across like a break-apart chocolate orange enjoyed by a campfire. Its not a seasonalits just a phenomenal beer, regardless of the time of year. Throw out the calendar and enjoy.

North American Origin AlesSmoke Porter5.953

Our Thoughts

Today we have "Stone Smoked Porter with Chocolate Orange Peel" which is a Smoke Porter that could be compared to a Average IPA. Rated at 5.9 ABV's this beer has a little bit of kick. This beer is meant for the drinker with a distinguished taste for bitterness.

Smoke Porter

Smoke porters are chestnut brown to black in color. They can exhibit a mild to assertive smoke character in balance with other beer characters. Black malt character can be perceived in some porters, while others may be absent of strong roast character. Roast barley character should be absent. Medium to full malt sweetness, caramel and chocolate are acceptable along with medium to medium-high hop bitterness. These beers are usually medium to full bodied. Fruity esters are acceptable. Hop flavor and aroma may vary from being negligible to medium in character.

What does ABV/IBU mean?

ABV stands for Alcohol By Volume and is listed as a percentage and lets you know how much of your beer is alcohol and how much is other stuff.

stands for International Bitterness Units measures the bitterness from hops in a beer on a scale of 0 to 100.

Beer Fact of the Day

The metalic taste you get from a can is likely the smell or your tongue touching the can. This can be fixed by pouring the beer into a glass.

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