Beer of the Day - Cottonwood Low Down

in #beeroftheday6 years ago

Cottonwood Low Down

Skillfully hopped with Amarillo, Willamette and Magnum hops, Low Down is brewed with North American, German and British malts. A hint of oats for roundness and silky goodness makes this one profound American Brown.

North American Origin AlesAmerican-Style Brown Ale5.640

Our Thoughts

Today we have "Cottonwood Low Down" which is a American-Style Brown Ale that could be compared to a Average English bitter. Rated at 5.6 ABV's this beer has a little bit of kick. This beer has a lot to offer. With an IBU profile of 40 it's got a more distinguished taste but isn't overwhelmingly bitter.

American-Style Brown Ale

American brown ales range from deep copper to brown in color. Roasted malt caramel-like and chocolate-like characters should be of medium intensity in both flavor and aroma. American brown ales have evident low to medium hop flavor and aroma, medium to high hop bitterness, and a medium body. Estery and fruity-ester characters should be subdued. Diacetyl should not be perceived. Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures.

What does ABV/IBU mean?

ABV stands for Alcohol By Volume and is listed as a percentage and lets you know how much of your beer is alcohol and how much is other stuff.

stands for International Bitterness Units measures the bitterness from hops in a beer on a scale of 0 to 100.

Beer Fact of the Day

In 1963, Albert Heineken created a beer bottle that could also be used as a brick to build sustainable housing in impoverished countries.nn httpssteemengine.netusersbeercraftbeerbrick.jpg

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