Beer of the Day - Bleed Green

in #beeroftheday6 years ago

Bleed Green

We were really surprised with the flavor profile of this beer. Being big fans of Classic Irish-Style Dry Stout's this beer easily makes it to our top 10 list. If you ever have the chance, order this drink! You won't regret it.

Irish Origin AlesClassic Irish-Style Dry Stout5.929

Our Thoughts

Today we have "Bleed Green" which is a Classic Irish-Style Dry Stout that could be compared to a Average Porter. Rated at 5.9 ABV's this beer has a little bit of kick. This beer is for someone who want's somthing more than just an ale. A great beer for a cold day.

Classic Irish-Style Dry Stout

Dry stouts have an initial malt and light caramel flavor profile with a distinctive dry-roasted bitterness in the finish. Dry stouts achieve a dry-roasted character through the use of roasted barley. The emphasis of coffee-like roasted barley and a moderate degree of roasted malt aromas define much of the character. Some slight acidity may be perceived but is not necessary. European hop aroma and flavor should be low or not perceived. Dry stouts have medium-light to medium body. Fruity esters are minimal and overshadowed by malt, high hop bitterness, and roasted barley character. Diacetyl butterscotch should be very low or not perceived. Head retention and rich character should be part of its visual character.

What does ABV/IBU mean?

ABV stands for Alcohol By Volume and is listed as a percentage and lets you know how much of your beer is alcohol and how much is other stuff.

stands for International Bitterness Units measures the bitterness from hops in a beer on a scale of 0 to 100.

Beer Fact of the Day

The Code of Hammurabi decreed that bartenders who watered down beer would be executed.

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