in #beer6 years ago


Nobody can be that cruel and stupid at the same time!


Left alone by the owner
15 minutes in this boiling hot car,

I had to break down that rear door ...

sources:, &



haha, outrageous behavior.

Reminds me of this advert from 1987

whoever did this should face be charged by the police

And ... at least the number of bottles in days of solitary confinement to repent this, not only unforgivable, but especially unforgettable sin.

Maybe Justin Bieber can rescue the situation.

Ooow how I wish he was in that car ...

It's a right-hand drive car i've noticed. Know that most Brittish like warm beer but never heard of Hot.

You're right! I haven't even noticed. Was too busy to save them poor goodies I guess.

This has gotten to the headquaters of beer replublic, thank you for your meritorious service. 😂

If you would have seen the look of those helpless little babies, believe me, you would have done the same man.

There is nothing worse than warm beer!

I agree completely Oleg!
There's only one (and one only) advantage of warm beer ... you get drunk without having to pay much.
But I'd rather spend double the price for a nice cold one, than a warm one for free!

Where you the owner?lol

Not of the car. Of the bottles now yes, hahaha.

You just cant do that to a fine crate of lager!

Vloeken in de kerk!

Exactly! An insult to all brewers and beer in general.
Where's Greenpeace when we need them the most?
Or am I overreacting a bit now?

Sorry, I was really concerned about those poor bottles left there all alone trying to survive.

Especially in BBQ season, I feel this is the totally right way to go dude!

Ive seen a lot a lot of booze go to crap in that warehouse in sint martin where I lived across from and that hurted man. That was always so pityful to someone steal beers that have been in the sun for months or more. ai ai ai

Never seen so much disrespect to every man second girlfriend ( between you and me first girlfriend, but don't tell my wife)
your the hero of the day smasssh

Thanks man, won't tell her, don't worry.
The crowd cheered and sang for me afterwards and said indeed those exact same words; hero of the day.
But hey, to me it felt I was just doing my duty.

Hi @smasssh hot beer the worst thing that you can drink hehehe. Regards

It sure is.

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