Even AFTER work, still busy WITH work ...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #beer6 years ago (edited)

Just got back from two days work in Simpelveld.
It's a place in the (very) south of the Netherlands at about 2 hours drive from my home.
Me and a co-worker had a job to do in the basement of this ancient monastery.


I say ancient, because recently it was sold to a rich investor,
who wants to turn it into a museum.
A museum completely in the spirit and history of the monastery.

Our job was to make the boiler room fire and smoke proof.
Just to give you an example:
we had to install glasroc plates (a special kind of plasterboard) on the ceiling
The heating system for the whole building is in there,
so you can probably imagine we had quite some square meters to do.

Anyway, not gonna bore you with pics of the work.
The headtitle has to be explained.

Some dutch people might recognize this:
it is in a place nearby ... Valkenburg, a popular place for tourists.
Where we booked two rooms to stay the (monday)night.

And this left terrace is the one of the hotel/bar/restaurant we stayed.

Where, we had quite a few of these "jolly good fellows" below.
Now the words 'Vuur & Vlam' in english mean 'Fire and Flame'.
So, almost half pissed we had a lot of fun sending a message with this pic to our client saying;

'The proof we have THE Heart for the job,
even in our spare time, we're still busy with work'!



'almost half pissed'

OK, I got the picture ...

lekker chillen ..
veel plezier !

Dank je. Hoewel hard gewerkt, voelde het zelfs een beetje als een mini-mini-vakantie.
Hele avond heerlijk op het terras gezeten.

klink heerlijk!

Het enige dat eigenlijk ontbrak was een net zo mooie view zoals jij die op je vakantie(s) had.


Cheers! Seems like a great place to stay and enjoy nice brew. Did not have the pleasure of tasting 'Vuur en Vlam' yet. Noticed a La Trappe sign, really like the quadruppel.

Have a great one!


Me and my mate found it a very nice beer. But to be honest, we were really thirsty. And another fact is: he comes originally from New Zealand and lived a greater part of his life in Australia. Have not met someone yet (coming from that part of the world) who doesn't like a good (and/or lots of) beer. Hahaha.

So you were in good company. 😎👍 Beer does taste even better when it is warm and you are very thirsty.

Lol nice out door view...black bottles are scary, taste good?

Awesome taste. Even bought some for at home. Busy finishing one right now, celebrating this post. Think I'm gonna get me another.

Oh boy, cat's out of the bag. The word 'Think' was quite irrelevant ... don't you Think?

Sorry, little mistake. Even took a third one.

lool, awesome...pass me a bottle then

Your job looks interesting i mean for example my job is commonly do the same but in your case you cand find adventures in each labor and that's great man, i'm wrong?. Regards

Physically it can be heavy though. Working "above your head" can be quite exhausting. There are lots of days I don't need (neighter want) to go to the gym to excercise ...

Two days is a quiet fast. I’ve done basement aspecialy boiler rooms fireproofing many times before. As long as you don’t have too many obstacles such as pipes or crazy shapes, it goes really fast. In US I assume we use similar material as you for this kind of work. Here in NY it’s actualy required by code. Since your client wants to make a new museum, I guess it’s required as well. I as well would prefer the other breaktime job with 'Vuur & Vlam' 😆.

We use a special kind of plasterboard, that contains no water crystals. In regular ones the crystals vaporize in case of fire, which makes the board weak and starts crumbling after a while.
We only use officially tested and certified products and materials for this. If not, the insurance doesn't pay in case of damage.
And it is indeed a very nice beer. Cheers!

Vuur en vlam ook tijdens the Job 😉

Never. Only after.
Or could it be you're talking 'bout another job? 😎

Id say for a place to work totally not bad at all!

And having some beers in good ol Valkenburg isnt really a punishment!
(jammer dat het limburg is ;)))))))

Hèhè, limbo's can be "rather different" yeah.
Btw, didn't know, but the beer is actually made in Bodegraven.

@smasssh hopelijk was het niet te warm om te werken eb hebben jullie het toekomstig musea beveiligd tegen een drama, persoonlijk vind ik Valkenburg nog een leuk stadje, mooie foto's trouwens. En bedankt voor de bier tip, ik kende het bier nog niet al leek het me wel erg toepasselijk voor de job, groeten

Was idd erg warm in die ruimte. Gelukkig dan ook dat we het vochttekort die avond weer ruimschoots hebben kunnen aanvullen.
Lijkt alsof bijna heel Valkenburg één groot terras is, zo veel zijn er. Erg gezellig.

@smasssh I would not like to go into that basement haha.
I worked at toby carvery and they had one, I was down in it getting some paint to touch up a wall that had been damaged, and while i was down there i was talking to a girl who i thought worked there, when I went back up to start my diy I said to the manager, " the new girl seems nice" to be told there was no new girl. it still makes my hairs on my arms stand on end.
At least you get to have a beer after, I had to work my shift knowing that something was down there.

Ooops, spooky. Are you sure it wasn't something toxic in the paint that made you see things that weren't there?

lids where on the paint buddy.
There was a manager there that had worked there for years, she was telling me about when she first started and she was about to lock up, she heard a massive crashing noise and her and her other half went to go and see what had gone off to find a grandfather clock had fallen over in the pub. this thing was screwed to the wall.
I'm telling you there is something in that place. :D

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