Health & Beauty. delivery number 3: The Apple.

in #beauty6 years ago

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Every day I will publish a fruit, vegetable or vegetable, highlighting its properties and benefits for health and beauty. In this way we will know more about the natural benefits that we can count on daily if we know more about the fruits, vegetables that we consume or that we see in the market and that we have not yet tested. In today's delivery I will talk about ...

It belongs to the family Rosaceae (Malus communis melo) and its tree, which can reach up to 8 meters high, is the apple tree, originally from Central Asia, whose appearance dates back to the Neolithic, currently present with about 2000 varieties. The leaves are simple, have jagged edges and the flowers have white petals, slightly shaded towards the rose. This fruit can be found in all seasons of the year, even if its natural maturity goes from late August to mid September.

We all grew up with the famous proverb

"an apple a day keeps the doctor away,"

but what are the beneficial properties of apples?


Protects the bones

Some French researchers have discovered that the apple contains a particular type of flavonoid (called phloridzin) capable of increasing bone density and preventing osteoporosis.

Fight asthma

Recent studies have shown that children with asthma who drink apple juice daily suffer less attacks than others who drink less and less regularly. Another study also showed that babies born to mothers who consumed the most apples during pregnancy are less likely to have asthma.

Prevent Alzheimer's

Corell University conducted a laboratory study, discovering that quercetin contained in apples protects brain cells from the attacks of free radicals responsible for this disease.

Reduce the cholesterol

Thanks to the action of the pectin contained in apples they can reduce the cholesterol level of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) by up to 16% by consuming about two a day or at least regularly.

Helps prevent lung cancer

According to a US study conducted on approximately 10,000 patients, whoever introduces the apple into their daily diet reduces the chance of getting sick by 50%. This, doctors explain, is due to the high concentration of flavanol naringin and quercetin contained in the apple.

Help in the prevention of breast and liver cancer

Laboratory studies have found that Americans due to a high flavonoid and vitamins contained in this fruit, their chances of contracting the disease are reduced by 17% by the consumption of an apple a day, 39% by the consumption of three and 44% for the consumption of four.

Help in the prevention of colon cancer

Thanks to the specific action that pectin plays in digestion and cleansing the intestinal tract, it has been discovered that consuming apple peel juice regularly can reduce the risk of getting sick.

Carry out a regulatory action on diabetes levels

The high pectin content found in this fruit provides the need for galacturonic acid in the body, which reduces the need to introduce sugars.

Help to lose weight

A US study found that people who regularly eat apples with their skin (rich in fiber and vitamins) feel satiated earlier and longer than those who do not consume, while decreasing emotional feeding, one of the causes of the increase in weight. This is due to the presence of pectin, this non-digestible polysaccharide, helps regulate bowel function and keeps appetite under control. A little secret for a line at the top: it is a super tactical to start the three main meals of the day with an apple, even better if it is combined with a good glass of water. There is no better way to calm the appetite and promote digestion.



Its strong antioxidant power stimulates the rejuvenation of the body and the regular consumption of apples allows your body to maintain its vigorous and elastic tissues.

When eating apples you achieve many benefits for the body, however to keep you beautiful, there are many natural apple-based products that can help you improve your image, such as apple cider vinegar. Few people know that it is also a resource as effective as the most expensive beauty treatments. Apple cider vinegar, a product that is more than accessible, is in fact very useful for hair and skin, as it acts gently and provides many benefits.

Some practical tips before starting:

  • always dilute apple cider vinegar in water to avoid side effects due to its strong acidity;
  • Before using it, it is always better to do a test on a small part of the face and, if no reaction appears, continue;
  • Take care to avoid eye contact and sun exposure during or immediately after treatment.

For hair health

It contains a large amount of vitamins and has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Precisely for this reason, it returns life to our hair when they are dry and dull, or when they are weakened and damaged by dyes, hairdryers and aggressive products.

Simply put a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water and apply it to your hair, massage for five minutes and finally rinse with fresh water. By repeating the treatment every 15 days, you will immediately notice the difference.

Remedy for dandruff

Thanks to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, it can treat problems related to the scalp, such as dandruff, itching and dryness.

Just add 200 ml of water and the same amount of vinegar. Shake the whole and, after washing the hair, when they are still wet, distribute the liquid on the head massaging the scalp. Do not rinse

Rebalances the PH

The different products that are used for the hair often alter the Ph, causing them to dry and burn. The ideal pH is between 4 and 5 and for this reason apple cider vinegar can be a precious ally, since it restores the correct level of acidity, without damaging the essential oils.

Combat open ends

The use of apple cider vinegar helps seal the hair cuticle, making it soft and shiny. This allows the hair to maintain its natural moisture and thus avoid the appearance of split ends.

You can replace the conditioner

Apple cider vinegar helps you to comb more easily, making it softer, brighter and easier to handle. Therefore, it is considered an excellent substitute for balms in the market.

Healthy and young skin

Vinegar can prevent skin aging and thus help keep your skin healthy. Favors, in fact, the regulation of the Ph of the skin, eliminating dead cells, stimulating circulation, regenerating skin tissues and promoting the elimination of impurities. Being a natural astringent, apple cider vinegar is also an effective way to cleanse the skin in depth, illuminate the face and achieve a youthful and healthy appearance.

Simply dilute one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 5 of water, apply it on the skin as you do with the tonic and then rinse with cold water.

Remedy for skin blemishes

It is a very old remedy and allows to reduce the spots of the skin, especially those that have appeared due to the sun or the signs of aging.

To obtain an excellent result, simply mix an onion to obtain its juice, add everything to half a glass of apple cider vinegar and, with the help of a cotton ball, apply it on the spots. Leave it for about twenty minutes, then wash your face thoroughly. Repeat for 15 consecutive days.

Against acne and pimples

Thanks to its antibacterial and antiviral properties and some acids it contains, apple cider vinegar helps to combat the problem of acne and excess oil on the skin. Prevents acne infections by cleansing the pores and allowing the skin to breathe properly. Excellent also against black spots.


Apples lend themselves to numerous uses in the kitchen. From the apples you can get drinks, including cider, juices, milkshakes and centrifuges. They are also the fruits with which it is easier to prepare jams, due to its natural pectin content. The characteristic flavor of the apples makes them suitable to be among the ingredients that will be used for the preparation of salty dishes, such as risottos and soups. You can bake them in the oven, taking care to sprinkle them with a little lemon juice, to prevent them from blackening during cooking.

They are also used to produce apple cider vinegar. Its use in confectionery is well known. They are the undisputed protagonists of the classic apple pie, fruit tarts and strudel. With the apple pulp you can get a great filling of cookies. They are very good when they are cooked and sprinkled with cinnamon, but it is also a good habit to consume them raw.

I hope you like this initiative ... you can make suggestions and propose fruits and vegetables for the next delivery.




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