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RE: My lovely Sunday with my darlings

in #beautifulsunday5 years ago

You are the light of my feed! <3 <3

Thank you so much for your love and kindness. Our family is my second chance. Nat is my daughter from my first marriage. It was unhappy and the end was very sad, her father died to foolish case, and I did not think I can be ever happy. I had a little daughter and no money, but a family was the only thing I need so badly.
When I met Nick, he became a missing link for our small puzzle ) I am so happy to see that they really love each other, and .. it is all I need. It's my small universe ❤

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I'll tell you a secret, although it is not to you. If you had not told me that Nick was not Nat's father, I would have never known. Ever.

Usually, there is a telltale sign, something... A look. A separation. Something. Look at those two. It is so apparent that he is the father - the love is written all over both of their faces. The fact that he came later in her life doesn't change the fact that he is definitely her father in every way except biological. Such a wonderful circumstance to be in.

You could not get any luckier, except to have lost a piece of you in the unhappy life you once had. And for that, I am sorry. But, honestly, like everything else, if you had not had that unfortunate part of your life, you would not have Nat. And she seems like she was worth it. 💖

I'll tell you another secret that is still a kind or unexplained marvel to me ))) From the beginning, they have same bad habits! lol.

if you had not had that unfortunate part of your life, you would not have Nat.

This is what Nick would say as well. Thank you for your precious comments and for being so ... yourself, and I send you my love and best wishes for the coming week! <3

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