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RE: Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday - Searching for Beauty !!

Such beautiful flowers and so many in a relatively small area, and sorry to hear your not feeling the best I hope you bounce back and are feeling well soon, good idea not riding a crowded Skytrain when you are not feeling well, I to avoid crowded spots wand subways especially when I am feleing run down


Well seeing and smelling all them beautiful flowers certainly made me bounce back. Thanks for your concern :)

Thats good, but did you send it my Way feeling rough as today

Go for a walk into the rose gardens and you will be right...hehe :)

I did try that a little while ago, but it didnt help, Maybe a detour tot he beach onthe way home tonight is what I need

And if that doesn't work a couple of shots of Black Sambucca should do the job...hehe :)

I wish but with the blood thinners no alcohol for me

Ahhhhh...understand ...damn :)

Ohh it’s cool I had more than my fair share in my day lol 😂

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