Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday / We keep on celebrating 🎈😁

Hello everyone👋!

Last Sunday I was celebrating my birthday, so for this Sunday I had to continue celebrating and decided to go out and eat a delicious hamburger. Also, on Sundays it is not cooked at home, it touches food from other places to vary a bit.


As I am still in celebration mode and the weather is quite crazy, it suddenly rains and out of nowhere a great sun comes out, the first thing I asked for was a cold beer. I enjoyed it enough that I asked for 2 hahaha.



Already here I was in the process of tasting 😂😂.

There were several options on the menu, really provocative dishes, but I had in mind that I wanted a hamburger and everyone who accompanied me also provoked them. As I do not like inventing a lot with food, I ordered a normal hamburger that includes French fries; the other people did add more ingredients.



Time to eat 🍴😋.

To finish an excellent meal, you always have to order at the end a good coffee or coffee with milk (as is my case), but mainly smile. I hope you also enjoy your Sunday and go out to eat 😉👍.


This is my entry for the #beautifulsunday hosted by @ace108 and for#sublimesunday by @c0ff33a.


Everything looks so delicious . Happy Bityhday too

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happy birthday! the burger looks awesome, and i hope you enjoyed your beer! 😁

I enjoy it very much 😂

Happy Belated Birthday.
Soon my turn to celebrate too.

Thank you! I hope you also enjoy your day 😉

You're welcome. You have a nice day too

Very behind but happy birthday if I missed it the week before! This has to be a great Sunday - a relaxing day and good food eaten out. The burger looks delicious - amazing plate too very nice.

Surely a very relaxing day for #SublimeSunday , a wonderful day that your really enjoyed and that can not be beat!

#thealliance #witness

Thank you very much!

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