My Sublimely Beautiful Sunday

Welcome to My Sublimely Beautiful Sunday

Thank you to my friend @ace108 for always being willing to host the weekly beautifulSunday challenge.

Also thank you to my friend @c0ff33a for hosting the sublimeSunday challenge, where we are supposed to post sublimely random stuff....

Can there be a more sublimely beautiful way to start a post that with the Dragon LOL


My beautiful sublime Sunday started late Saturday night with a dusting of snow. I did a late night run to the market and it was dry, but by time I got out, BAM!

But by morning, the weather had cleared and left us with a while blanket of snow.

The sun was actually feeling nice!!!


On Sundays the Old Guy is often in the kitchen. Of course chicken is one of the go to foods.

I bake them and add a little Franks and BAM!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMY!


I also baked the kiddos some peach crisp. I NEED to say right here ( or my coach @dswigle would be all over me like white on rice) that I didn't even have a bite!!!


Took off my apron and put on my chief architect hat lol.


Just to be totally random, I will show you my vintage plant holder.


And some Impatiens that wont stop blooming in the house!


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
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What a sublimely gorgeous day you got there! The sun is shining down upon your face. Even Iggy is trying hard to crack a smile.

Even the snow doesn' t look too bad when that happens.

I love when the man of the house is the chef! You are going to start sprouting feathers any day soon. Well done on the peach cobbler. Especially after the stern talking to you got today. ;) Yay you! Peach cobbler is hard to turn down.

Upped and Steemed Tip!

I looked up Franks in case you didn't!

Calories 1 Sodium 170 mg
Total Fat 0 g Potassium 0 mg
Saturated 0 g Total Carbs 0 g
Polyunsaturated 0 g Dietary Fiber 0 g
Monounsaturated 0 g Sugars 0 g
Trans 0 g Protein 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg

VERY stern talking to...I kind of liked it ;) LOL

I know right. You have seen me in apron and tool belt. Now architect, and green thumb extraordinaire! Tsk tsk, not a mention of my Impatience and you got to love Bambi LOL.

Thanks so much for the tip, girl! You know how that makes my day!!!




Oh- yes!!

Oh thank finally killed cooked that lizard thing. I thought I might have to send you know who over again!!!

Must have been very tasty with Frank's Red Hot Sauce - gotta love that stuff - it can make anything taste better, if you know what I mean :)

I counted 14 legs in the pan....does than mean there were more lizards around the house? You don't know how creepy those are for me.

@countrygirl They scare the bejesus out of me, but, I had a new neighbor call 911 and report that she saw a dinosaur in the neighborhood. They sent a SWAT team. I swear to God.

One of the neighbor's dragons had escaped from the house.

That's hysterical! I'd probably call the police....maybe not swat, but still.
I really dislike these creatures. They have holes in the sides of their heads that can vacuum you in....and they have scales and prickly pointy things all over. I don't even like the little ones that run around in Florida....balugalug......gross.

Ewww!!! I am going to leave for South and Central America this week. They breed like rabbits down there. Last time I was there, I saw one 5 feet long and was told some are carnivorous, although rare.

Holy you-know-what!

No thanks! I know they are bigger in south America.....there are some scary ones that bite. Just where a cage. No one will notice :)

OMG LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!! Now THAT is too funny!

When I was thinking of a thumbnail, I remembered you were such a fan of Iggy!

By the way, he has dirty ears! LOL

OMG!!!!! Ahahahaha!!! I can believe that! Too funny Sunshine!

Peach crisp. never heard of that before but sounds great.

Oh yes, it is yummy and I try to think its almost a bit healthy LOL

You can coat it with oats/cereals to add more weight to your justification.
We have this cereal prawns here that is quite popular.
Here's a recipe I just found from a search:

Oh those look sinfully good!!! YUMMY!! Thanks my friend!

You're welcome. I think I may see your wok work soon😎

what a great title "My Sublimely Beautiful Sunday"....brilliant and the first time I've seen this thread of posts.

So, you're an architect? Sorry if you told me and I've forgotten but what kind of work do you do? Do you have your own firm or work with another?

Oh no Ma'am, I'm no architect! Not by a long shot! But I have used Chief Architect software and have built 3 houses for myself. I do a bit of carpentry, wiring, floors, all finish work basically. Yeah fun stuff. I guess I am trying to prove I am not too old to do it LOL. No, my background is in finance, but I dont mind getting my hands dirty now that I retired :) Many thanks for stopping by! I am enjoying learning a few new things from your blog!

You've built 3 houses? Wowsa, that's impressive! Great that you're having fun expanding yourself in your retirement....means you'll love a good and long and happy life :-)). However I'm not sure you look old enough to be retired, but maybe you were smart and worked it out so you could retire on the early side? Kudos to you if so.
So glad you're gleaning something from my blog, that's the kind of thing that makes my day.

Well see you are assuming that all three are still standing LOL... Im just being silly..

Yes! I did at 35 actually, Im 52 now, but you know the whole thing about when you work and have money but no time, and when you retire you have time and no money LOL! So I build a bit and Steem a bit. Nice way to pass the days.

Yes, I learn something new every time on your blog! I am becoming a big fan of it and how you interact with the comments! More folks need to do that IMO. :)

Old at 52?? LOL we're the same age!! Time is a kind of wealth though, and glad steemit is filling in some of the gaps for you.

Oh, same age, how about that! Well its obvious you "wear" it much better than I do lol.

Time is indeed a type of wealth. In many ways more precious than money. One can always make more money, but making more time - not going to happen.

I'm not so sure about the first part -
and the second part of your comment is SO true!!! More and more apparent with every day that goes by.

I agree about comments - it's how I've made some of my best friends here because all kinds of interchanges occur that really allow us to get to know each other more specifically. Thanks for your great comments're walking your talk :-)

Looks like an all over yummy and sublime Sunday!

Thanks upped!!

As an engineering student, I kinda love that architectural piece...
Awesome pictures @old-guy-photos

It's truly a blessed Sunday there, enjoy your clear weather and all those things that are meant to you. ;)

You have a complete package sir....You can do almost everything...and thats why I keep on hunting your new post every time I check mine...have a nice chicken with hot spicy chili sauce and have a nice view at the vintage thing at your garden haha have a nice day sir..

Oh you are too kind. I much appreciate it.

Sublimely synchronistic - I just commented on a post called, "Taming the Dragon" that had a thumbnail pic of Khaleesi. Then your photo of this gorgeous creature caught my eye. Okay, it seemed cooler before I typed it all out...

At any rate, love the details in that snap. And huge kudos for making something so yummy without trying so much as a bite. Also, I would swear my grandmother had a similar planter back in the day - thanks for that bit of nostalgia.

I hope you dont mute me if I confess to having had to look up "Khaleesi" LOL. I know it is hard to believe but I am the last person in America to not have seen that show !!!! Upped.

I'm sorry - did you say something? I couldn't quite hear you for some odd reason... 😉

And thanks! Tip!

Oh! I take it you are a fan! Maybe I will have to rent it. Thanks so much for the tip! You are too kind!!!

Most definitely a fan! Haven't read the books (they've been sitting on my bookshelf for a couple years now), but the show is very well done. And you're very welcome!

Cayenne pepper is supposed to be good for having a good blood pressure, I don't like hot food but I always take small amounts of cayenne and haven't had problems with my pressure for a long time, I decided not to take pills and I am doing OK, I'm 56.

Well that is awesome. I will have to look into cayenne. I believe I have heard that before actually. Thank you. Upped.

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