Making Big Money on a Beautifully Sublime Sunday!

On my walk I was greeted by this little bugger!


Hey Steemers!

Welcome To

My Awesomely Beautiful and Sublime Sunday!


As I do most morning (if I do not give into the temptation to roll over) I start my day off with a pleasant walk. However, as I was walking and talking to myself, I said, "Self, we can do better than this!" So I decided to kill an hour metal detecting at the old Penny Park.


It was a lovely day at the park. It did not get too busy until 11 am which was my clue to skedaddle!

Of course I had "Junior", my metal detector, which was named by my buddy on YouTube GraveDiggerMax over in Virginia Beach.



See why its called the penny park lol


I finally hit a pocket spill!

Here is a video I did of it

Here is a vid where I found something better!!!

And even better!

So not a bad day for an hour or so:


I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!

I also made up a bit of sushi...

I julienne some cucumber and slice cream cheese. Then make up some tuna.

Get out the old bamboo!

I was out of nori, but this was ok.


The day is only half over for me, so I hope there is more fun to come. I will leave you with the sunset from last night.


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Be Safe!! Don't get hacked! - Post with your posting key!

If you don't know, Watch the video!!!


You could have had a Sublime Monday too and a beautiful Monday at that except when I called you this morning to see the sunrise, you rolled over.


I muffed it!!!! Drats. I am putting the phone to vibrate from now on!!! My bad! Im sorry, Sunshine!! I sure did love all of those amazing pics!!

Here have a flower as a token of my apology :)

Wow! That was quite a haul today. Not bad for a fun day out. Now, the ring, well, that was just insane!

I hope you found the person who lost that. It looks like it was custom made! Great fun metal detecting is. It surely was a Beautiful Sunday, simply sublime!

It really was the perfect day. The kind I would not mind repeating over and over again.

Thanks for the visit Denise. I hope your week goes as well as possible.

HAHA fantastic day full of treasures. Excellent hobby it could bring a lot of surprises : )


Well ... the metal detector seems to be paying better than Steemit. Maybe I should reconsider how I'm spending my time. :-)


I hear ya. I put them both in the same category, basically a hobby that I enjoy that pays in nickles and dimes.

I keep meaning to find my metal detector which is stored away in the garage somewhere, and introduce my grandson to it when we next go to the beach.

But I keep forgetting to look for it. Must try harder!!! 😂

Glad you had a fun day @old-guy-photos. Mine was mostly spent travelling home.

That metal detecting looks like so much fun! Great #sublimesunday @old-guy-photos!

Awesome detecting, works up an appetite. :-)

It was a really beautiful day :))

Very much enjoyed your post and photos @old-guy-photos! Love the videos and you got some awesome finds..always makes it more fun to find some cool stuff!! I haven't used mine in a couple of years but I miss it!

Now that is an impressive haul, so many pennies and even an Ring - your stroll in the park was very productive indeed.

Awesome photo at the end of the lake and setting sun, quite a stunning view you have on an evening.

Thank you for always sharing a wonderful post as #SublimeSunday, they are always so special and enjoyable.

#thealliance #witness

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