Can Underwhelming Still Be Beautiful?

in #beautifulsunday6 years ago (edited)

Hey Friends!

Welcome to My Beautiful and Sublime Sunday


The good thing to note is both jet ski and boat lifts are in the water. The bad thing is they are both empty! I called the boat yard guy today and was told be patient, he is getting to it. I am just afraid I will miss the one week of summer we get here in Michigan!

So that has been the scene as shot from the balcony this morning. However, you could have used that same photo for any day of the week because it has been the same doom and gloom for the entire week! Rainy and chilly, great for making the grass grow, but bad for using water toys!

The Old Guy usually gets up at the crack of dawn and starts his Sunday with a shower and a shave.

However this Sunday, I needed a bit of a trim. Of course the Old Guy is way to cheap to pay a barber so I just sheared off a good amount! (maybe too much?!?!)

I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!

So the theme this Sunday seemed to be underwhelming. Yes it was still beautiful and sublime, but it was just meh... nothing special, but not bad. I spent a lot of the time coaching my kiddo on parallel parking. In Michigan you have to back it in to a spot that is only eight feet wide. The H3 doesn't leave much room for error on either side.


You can notice the not too friendly sky!


Do you notice anything wrong with this picture?

Other than the fact is it is May 20th and I am still wearing a jacket.


The best part of today was the fun of chasing down this bill that was blowing in the wind in the Walmart parking lot! I wasn't sure how much it was as it was blowing, but I knew it was going to be mine as I dodged the random moving traffic. OMG it must have been a rather comical sight to see the Old Guy running after the 20 like a dog chasing a ball LOL

When I was bragging about my score to @dswigle, she suggested it was good luck to give away money you find. Now THAT was the last thing that entered the Old Guy's mind. I mean it was obvious the Universe wanted the Old Guy to have it, why should I disappoint the Universe, right. However, I decided to take her advice as I usually do. You know what, Im not sure I got $20 bucks of good luck yet or not, but the feeling of giving it to my daughter and seeing her face light up was pretty good. Thank you Denise! You are the best.

Even though it rains every day and we are stuck in the grey dome, a few folks are braving the chill for a ride.


Even Ben paddles into the sunset!


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Be Safe!! Don't get hacked! - Post with your posting key!

If you don't know, Watch the video!!!


Well good luck to her on her driving test today. She can't lose, she has the luck of the $20!

That, and she really does know how to drive.

Thank you so much!

You are always welcome.

You always have the best advice and I always appreciate it. You know I think you are the best.

I also am too cheap or underwhelmed to go get my hair trimmed professionally - I use random family members for the job. And I also would chase $20 but I think I would look more like a chicken chasing a bug :)

Where is the Spring?! Sunday is always beautiful, but it's even more beautiful in the sunny day :))

Yes! I think the same Maya!

ahan so are having some great time this Sunday and its really a good thing! <3
have more lovely moments! <3 :) @old-guy-photos

Driving lessons in a hummer? That has got to be a first. Your daughter can drive anything after that. Good call and she got the found $20. Bingo what a sublime Sunday.

Hello my dear friend, I give positive energy with your posts.
thanks for sharing beautiful pics and motivational posts.
have good time and good luck.

Something for the weekend Sir? That's a close shave, I'm the same though stuff paying someone to use trimmers I could just run across the top of my head myself!

You can have some unseasonably warm weather from the UK if you like, aside from the fact I am now shedding skin worse then the average snake it's a complete pain to sleep it's been so warm and humid. I'll be moaning about rain and cold in a few weeks no doubt, but it would be nice to just have a nice realistic average temperature not up and down like the proverbial Yo Yo.

How does that last photo work? Is Ben just walking on water? Amazing! Thanks for always joining in #SublimeSunday and bringing so many new people in with it.


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