Beautiful Sunday – Visit to Los Aleros Park (Mérida - Venezuela)

in #beautifulsunday6 years ago (edited)

Hello friends, today I will share with you a visit to one of the beautiful parks that are in the state of Merida:


It is a theme park located in the state of Merida, Venezuela. It was built in 1984 with the purpose of representing a typical town of the Andes in the 1930s. The staff that works in Los Aleros dress in a traditional way to the time they revive and the guides of this park usually tend to be teenagers ( Los Aleros employs more than 100 people and indirectly provides work for more than 2 thousand).


Sharing with Andean children

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Los Aleros is located in a valley surrounded by the slopes of the Sierra Nevada National Park, so that the crossing through its facilities is steep by hills that are climbed by stone steps and can be lowered by a cement slide.



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The stations along the route include a cemetery that has an enchanted cave, a long cabin where treasures are sought, currency exchange for morocotas.

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Los Aleros in a town built with the old methods of construction. Disconnects you a bit of so much technology.

This was my entry for the #beautifulsunday hosted by @ace108 and for #sublimesunday by @c0ff33a

Beautiful Sunday with my friends


What an amazing place, the buildings and cobbled street make for an historic experience. It looks like a wonderful place to visit, I wonder if @crisangel has ever been here?

Thank you for sharing your amazing #SublimeSunday - stunning photographs I really enjoyed this one.

#thealliance #witness

Merida, I have not yet been able to visit this great state of cold. But soon I will visit, it is one of my fantasies hahaha.

It is a really lovely place. Thanks for your appreciation. Greetings friend @c0ff33a

Really looks like a place out of a history book.

That was the idea of ​​the creator of the park (it's a park-museum). Thank you for visiting my blog. Regards @ace108

You're welcome

what happens if you go into the enchanted cave? 😦

What can happen is that you get a good scare and if you pass the test and you have the same luck you get some gold coins hahaha

ok just what i expected! 😄

Muy bello lugar donde predominan tonos de antigüedad, que le hacen dar un toque más fantástico a las fotos, es increíble. Qué bueno que hayas tenido la dicha de visitar ese sitio tan emblemático. Saludos y un fuerte abrazo.

Deseo puedas visitarla pronto..! Gracias y saludos @crisangel

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