Enjoying a #beautifulsunday #Vienna #Austria #travel #photography

in #beautifulsunday6 years ago

How to spend better a #beautifulsunday than by sharing the wonders of the city of creatvity and entrepreneurship, meeting friends from around the world in the best place to live?


As every week I receive new students and welcome them in Vienna. Some weeks ago already I thought, let's start to open this activity to everybody and specially invite all steemians and travelers who would like to join to create a more interesting experience.

Yes, the participants of Erasmus+ are often fast bored by obligatory activities and have not always a big interest for visiting historical or cultural sites. My goal is to try to make it differently, and bring them in the real Viennese culture, make them enjoy the creative and entrepreneurial spirit of the city as I get the chance to meet.

The challenge is to make something fun in less than 2 hours, as afterward they have systematically a visit to the mseum of their choice planned.

Empowerment? An interface that enable two standalone systems to learn and cooperate?

As the group really seemed to enjoy to be in front of the camera, we mostly took pictures of the group and of the places we visited! =)

Intercultural welcoming guide - Vienna

Today, Sunday (22 April) at 11am at the Opera House was starting the city tour. This group was composed from students from Hummene in Slovakia. Below, you'll find a little #photoreportage of some of the places we have been visiting together.

Meeting point

The group was composed of 12 students of mixed study areas as well as two accompanying teachers, Horníková Justína and Zuzana Kudzejova who was the only one speaking fluently English fortunately for me. The language skills were not very good but the teachers helped to translate to Slovakish.

Stop at the Sacher Hotel

We even had a look inside the shop.

Stop at Bitzinger Wurstelstand Albertina

At Bitzinger Wurstelstand Albertina I took the time to share the insights of @thermoplastic on the place. Everyone really enjoyed to learn these little stories! =)

Stop at the Albertina

Photo at the Albertina, the time to learn a bit about the museum. Did you know Albertina is currently hosting 65 000 drawings and +1million old paintings? https://www.albertina.at/

Stop at "Das Schmetterlinghaus"


We made a break at the Butterfly cage the time for some pictures as well as to take some time within the shadow of the trees. http://www.schmetterlinghaus.at/ =)


Stop for a break in the garden





Stop to support the Marathon



Hofburg and the National Library





Stop at the gift shops


Stephan Platz


End of the tour



Discover more about Vienna https://www.wien.info/

If you are not from the region, I advise you to check the website of the Vienna Tourism agency with whom I have been cooperating already on past projects making the cartography of the Christmas locations in Vienna for a project co-created with Angeliki Angeletou Christmas Map.

Come and visit us!


If you want to join for a #steemit exploration, #cryptoart @workshops to make for example some memorable @steemshirts, or if you need an accommodation during your stay in Vienna, do not hesitate to contact me or @wolfgangsieberth as we are both co-host at @frameworks where we would be happy to host you if you are coming around! Check more on one of our accomodation in Vienna by reading the article "Accomodation wanted" written by Radka (@ideamachine).
On the side of being a guest house, @frameworks is a co creative space and residence hosting notably the @ccommons.art, @globalschool, @generationeuropa, @silkroad40 meetups and activities such as @workshops, as well as it is used as coworking space by a serie of creatives and entrepreneurs. As seen in some of my previous posts and by the "com-lab" annoucement, I am seriously thinking to connect @frameworks to the steem and eos blockchain by creating a digital platform accessible in the space and by the web in order to call for contributors and ensure to reward them.


Join the @globalschool participants and steemians contributors next weeks at the "com-lab" to know more about how @frameworks can become an autonomous #CryptoArt space empowering the entrepreneurial ane creative community by providing various rewards systems and community services which would enable @frameworks to reproduce itself when reaching the proper conditions.

I am far to achieve this, but hopefully with your support I'll be able to demonstrate how this project can effectively participate to the #gift-economy and achieve its #ubi (universal basic income vision).

I'll keep you updated for the next tour guide dates!

All the pictures have been made by me (@jnmarteau) with a Canon D600. Hope you love them as I do.

With a lot of love,


Interessting, I mean, actually a guided tour is the connection of knowledge with the actual site or physical reality. So the guide usualy is just a translator, indicator, not a database. That makes me think that in such tours, people could be inspired to bring the knowledge (either they read it before or they have internet with them) and the guide just refers to it. Or we connect it with the pop-up park cooking, will tell much more about Vienna :)


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Thank goodness for the translator. Makes your work less stressful.

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