Beautifulsunday. Wonderful Sunday with snow and a cool children's toy road)/ Чудова неділя зі снігом і подарунком: гарною дитячою іграшковою дорогою)

in #beautifulsunday6 years ago (edited)

This is my contribution to the slogan today, #beautifulsunday, initiated by @ace108
And #sublimesunday from @c0ff33a.


It's is snowy and frosty weather today, as it should be at Epiphany.
Children helped to remove snow here and there, even four-year-old Sevastyan helped to do it, although the shovel is much higher than he).
And then it's so nice to play in a warm room!
Especially since Elisey had a birthday the day before yesterday, and now three younger boys all the time play with a present to him: wonderful children's toy road)

Це мій внесок у гасло сьогодні, #beautifulsunday, ініційоване @ace108
І #sublimesunday від @c0ff33a.

Сьогодні засніжена і морозна погода, як i треба в Богоявленні)
Діти допомогли подекуди прибрати сніг, навіть чотирирічний Севастьян допоміг це зробити, хоча лопата набагато вище, ніж він).
А потім так приємно грати в теплій кімнаті!
Тим паче, що позавчора у Єлісея був день народження, тому зараз троє молодших хлопців весь час грають з подарунком йому - чудовою дитячою іграшковою дорогою)









A good time for some sibling bonding. Happy Belated Birthday to the young man.

You're welcome.

I love toyroads from my child years!Perfect day...

You certainly have plenty of snow, we only got a little and it quickly melted away - any snow clearing helpers are always handy though!

Happy birthday to the young man, what a splendid multi level toy car road - super fun to drive the cars around. I remember building these sort of tracks up for my boys, although somehow it was always me who had to tidy them away when they got bored of them as well!

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