Beautifulsunday. Sunday walk in the park/ Недільна прогулянка по парку

in #beautifulsunday5 years ago

This is my contribution to the slogan today, #beautifulsunday, initiated by @ace108
And #sublimesunday from @c0ff33a.

Це мій внесок у гасло сьогодні, #beautifulsunday, ініційоване @ace108
І #sublimesunday від @c0ff33a.


Every day the park becomes more green and wonderful, leaves on trees and grass become such green.
And the wooden building construction is getting closer to the end.
They already inserted windows and door!
It is so nice to look at construction and walk around the park)

The weather is warm, so we enjoyed walking as usual.

Щодня парк стає зеленішим і чудовим, листя на деревах і траві стають такими зеленими.
І будівництво дерев'яного будинку наближається до кінця.
Вже вставили вікна та двері!
Так приємно дивитися на будівництво і ходити по парку)

Погода тепла, тому ми любили гуляти, як завжди.











Yay.. windows and doors are in but what happened to the flowers by the side of the road?

The flowers in the flowerbeds in our park bloom in turns, first pink crocuses, then yellow crocuses, now tulips.
And near the wooden building, I think they will make beautiful flower beds)

Ah.. i see the pile of soil outside the building.😎

It’s so sunny - looks like you had some of the hot sunny weather we have been having in the UK.

The wooden building in the park is looking good now it is nearly finished, it fits in well with the surrounding trees and bushes.

Everything is blooming, beautiful colour in your photos summer will be here soon and we will have even more sun!

#thealliance #witness

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Thank you!


А вот еще более красивая красота - моя дача - сегодняшнее фото :-)


Бьютифул. :)

Для поддержания такой красоты, нужно много времени и инструменты. Я как-то зашел в магазин садовой техники Хороший, надежный инструмент стоит не дешево.

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