Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday - Day Cruise On The River Part - 2.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #beautifulsunday6 years ago (edited)

Today i decided to take another cruise along the Chao Phraya River of Bangkok it was the perfect day with beautiful blue skies. Their were more Temples that i was wanting to see , so follow me along the river to the Wat Arun Temple grounds also known as the Temple of Dawn.






Check out them beautiful blue skies i did say it was the perfect day , it's about a 20 minute ride on the boat to this Temple and here we are at the pier and the Temple is five minutes walk directly from the front of the pier , you walk through these beautiful manicured gardens passing by these gorgeous flowers to the Temple.







There are a few Temples on these grounds and the first one you come to is this Temple that has what they call the Guardians of the Gates out front before you enter the this Temple they are called , Yuk Wat Jaeng (ยักษ์วัดแจ้ง) and Yuk Wat Po (ยักษ์วัดโพธิ์). They stand amazingly tall and you certainly don't want to cross them.






Also they have these lion dogs protecting the Gates and the Guardians.


If you were excepted with the right dress codes and made it safely pass the Guardians of the Gates you come to this spectacular breathtaking porcelain column Temple decorated with gold walls all the way around.






These decorations and pieces of colored glass along this Temple wall are all hand made then painted with leaf gold paint imagine the man hours and patience that goes into this work of art.






This young Monk was funny , a very confused Monk and wondering why i took his photo actually it was by accident as he come around the corner and bombed my photo i think i shocked him as much as he shocked :)



In this Temple there are Buddhist Monks present , if you wish you can have your blessing in this Temple by the Monks.


So now that i have investigated the other Temples it is late afternoon now and i was waiting for the sun to go down a bit it's been a very hot today so now been a bit cooler i can have a good walk around the main icon Temple on these grounds.






This is the main Temple on the grounds that they call this Temple the Wat Arun Temple known as the Temple of Dawn it is an ancient temple dating back to the Ayutthaya Period the Ayutthayan period was 1351–1767 so it is most definitely a very ancient temple.






This Temple called the Wat Arun Ratchawararam, meaning Temple of Dawn, is the most beautiful-less and most famous temple in Thailand soaring to 70 meter high spiral towers decorated with tiny pieces all colored glass and Chinese porcelain making it a very photogenic temple.




This is truly one of the most amazing and stunning Temple i have ever seen in Thailand the architectural is amazing the coloring of the tiny pieces of glass and porcelain it's just breathtaking , could never image the amount of man hours that when into gluing or cementing all those tiny pieces onto them spiral towers.




I had definitely picked the right day to visit this Temple extremely lovely blue skies with the sun glimmering of the Temples spiral towers and the day had reached the part i was longing to see the sunset over the Temple of Dawn and also the colorful lights reflecting of the spiral towers mix in together giving it the most spectacular exhilarating sites you will ever see on a Temple truly a spiritual feeling.






Just amazing i certainly left very content and very impressed it will be implanted in my memory forever so extraordinarily i could have stayed there all night it felt so peaceful , spiritual and joyous.




It has certainly been a awesome and unforgettable day , the sun has fallen night was here and now and i needed to get on that last boat leaving the pier very shortly.


On my way home along the Chao Phraya River a bit of lighting going on in the skies.


Onto the Skytrain and only one stop to my home , a superb day had , i hope you enjoyed your day out with me and see you all next weekend.




Thank you @ace108 for hosting #beautifulsunday and thank you @c0ff33a for hosting #SublimeSunday.




Wow you really get to visit some incredible places, the blue skies are stunning and the greens in the gardens are just amazing - and the Gold statues!

The selfie with the Statue is awesome - you angled it perfect the temple tower makes the statue look like a Unicorn!

The photo with the yellow sky and the bird flying is really so beautiful - you really have an incredible talent with your photos - and you pack so many into a post - it's just a complete delight to read and leak through. Marvellous post again you really are producing some incredible quality posts - and it show people are loving them!

#thealliance #witness

Thank you @c0ff33a these people really take pride in there temples and that's what makes them so beautiful to visit

How funny i never noticed that to you pointed it out that selfie of the statue does look like the statue look like a and that bird bombing my photo really gave it a great spiritual effect with the yellow skies the photos that are not planned always seem to show up the best.

Thank you @coff33a for your more encouraging words i like to make people feel they are walking beside me enjoying it as much as i am.

Wow wow wow! I can't believe that I'm going to say this, because I've set this time and time and time again, but this is probably hands-down the most amazing Temple that you have ever brought me to. Everytime I think that I have seen another architectural amazement, you Trump your own self and show me another one. I cannot for the life of me imagine how these structures were even built oh, and by what means did they have to construct them? I am actually sitting and standing in line at the Capitol Building waiting to pay my respects to the former President Bush, so I don't have the advantage of my computer screen to see these pictures in the detail that I want. But I can assure you that as soon as I get home that computer screen is going to be in use.

What a blessing to be blessed by one of the monks there. I must say that there are a couple shots that remind me of Mayan temples. Especially the ones where they have the stairs going all the way up to the top. I like the one where it is round and has the different Buddha's hand to hand to hand I know that they have a specific theme for it but it is escapes me right this moment. The spires on this and the detail in all of the stone work is absolutely jaw-dropping beautiful. Stunning. Amazing. I just don't have any words for it. I think that you have rendered me speechless with this one. I can say that all of those Guardians of the gates we're amazing and even though some of them were a little bit scary looking, I'm guessing the fat was the whole point. The different colors reflected on the stones was indeed a very spiritual and peaceful look at the temples. You did indeed have a most wonderful day and the weather was absolutely perfect for it. I hope the boat ride home was this is wonderful as the one to get there. Stop showing me such amazing things in such a culturally Diversified country. Who knew Thailand had so much?

Of course, I'm taking you home with me so pack your bags and will steem you up a little bit while you're there. Thanks again for taking us a long. It was awesome.


Sorry for the late reply my friend i have been in transit with work and am now at the airport waiting on a flight back to Bangkok. I am so happy that this Temple inspired you it is a real pleasure to have bought this Temple to you and i have to agree i always think i have seen the best in Thailand but as always it just seems to get better and better all the time it was certainly a amazement to me also seeing the architectural structure of this spiral Temple just blows me out how do they do it. Well i can go on forever talking about this Temple but you have cover it well and happy you enjoyed looking at this awesome Temple.

RIP Mr Bush you were a great man.

Thank you for your lovely words and the Tip have a great weekend my friend :)

You too!!! Safe travels!

It is always a pleasure to see those Temples!

Thank you my friend am boarding in 30 minutes. Cheers :)

waves goodbye

Happy St. Nickolaus Day!

And to you to my friend :)

That is a collage of eye 👀🍬candy my friend 😍
Absolutely amazing pictures and it's like I was there with you. The environment is just incredible and I love the colours. Also the many different objects. Awsome post 🤗

Ohh btw.. One flower caught my eyes as I think it's the same one I have in my garden.


Just it's the first time I se someone else capture this flower to... You know it's name?

Thank you for sharing this amazing post and I wish you a wonderful week. Much love 😊💕

Thank you my friend i really enjoyed my day out there and seeing these temples just made me feel so much better in myself it was like getting a cleansing and a blessing from the God's.

WoW amazing that you have these beautiful flowers over there also and they look gorgeous , we have them all over Thailand they love the tropical weather , apparently they are part family to the Tulip flowers these ones are called Dok Krachiao or the Siam Tulip :)

Thank you for stopping by my friend and have a lovely week :))))

Yes, good weather there. Definitely better than the wet and grey here.

Thank you @ace108 was the perfect day to be out there that's for sure and my skull is suffering from sun it was worth it :)

Very nice photos! Great post!
You need a hat!! Try to avoid heat stroke!!

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Thank you my friend it is a beautiful temple to visit the problem if i wear a hat i tend to boil up more because the heat stays under my hat no :)

I so enjoyed your stunning photos of your outing down the river to the temples. It is such a beautiful city.

Thank you @sunscape it is one of the most amazing temples i have seen in Thailand this city never ceases to amaze me :)

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STUNNING photos @hangin This is a superb post and you have given us a real treat. Thank you for sharing the essence of Thailand with us. I felt like I was right there with you.

Thank you @trudeehunter this so far has been the most amazing temple i have seen in Thailand was just awesome , i am so happy you enjoyed that tour :)

I certainly did enjoy this tour. Id love to know how long it would take to build such elablorate temples. It must take ages.

Actually with the cheap labor and having so many laborious on site they get them up in no time if it was in Australia you would be looking at :)

Australia we call Sydney the Nanny State :)

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