beautiful sunday — a day of rest

Rest is not idleness


and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees on a summer’s day,
listening to the murmur of water,

or watching the clouds float across the blue sky

is by no means waste of time.
John Lubbock, Recreation, The Use of Life, 1894

photos by

Nikon D3100
Nikkor Lens 55mm f/1.8
Adobe Lightroom

©All rights reserved, 2018

Thank you @ace108 for
initiating the #BeautifulSunday photo challenge.


Oh yes nothing says Spring more than a forsythia!

I used to always ask who "sythia" was when I was a little kid. Seriously. Whose "sythia" and why is this for her? Ya....I fell on my head a lot!! lol

the clouds shot looks like some long exposure

Nope. That's what they looked eh? I love clouds. I have never done a long exposure....yet. Thank you @ace108.

Damn, and you have real that allows you to do that.

I'll give it a try one day.....maybe :)

I think you'll like it.

the quotes remind me of Thoreau - we all need to take time to stop and stare. Seeing the photo of forsythia makes me happy - winter and its snow is gone for another year

Me too....I love Thoreau...isn't the weird?

That does, indeed, look restful! The flowers are nice to see, too! We have a smattering of short wildflowers blooming, now, but nothing quite as spectacular as those!

Sunday was "too" restful. I went in search of wildlife photos and sat and watched fish jump for hours. Neither the nearby owl nor the beavers made an appearnce, aside from the occasional "Hooooooo........."

Darn!!! No sunday show for you mister! Those would have made for some wonderful shots too.....I suppose even the animals need a day off !

Great shots @countrygirl!
That Nikon 3100 is great. I have been looking into buying a DSLR. I only have my smartphone and want to do more and get better results than with my phone. These are great shots. I am looking at getting a Canon Rebel t6 soon. Step my game up :)

That would be great if you could get a camera....but you take really good ones with your phone. I have never taken a good shot with my phone!! Just can't do it for some reason.

Thanks for stopping by!

I like to use my eyepiece when I photography holding a phone up and looking on the screen doesn't give you the same feeling. I rarely use my screen to take photographs both of my Canons have wonderful display screens but I still need to hold the camera up to my eye. Making videos is different I like the display screen then.Oh I am enjoying my Canon Sx60hs take a look at that camera @gavinthegreat

If you want @gavinthegreat to see this great reply. need to hit reply after his comment - you hit reply after mine so it showed in my reply feed. :) Great comment though ....hehe....learning is so much fun isn't it?

Lol here I thought it was like a thread I reply to yours that comment on his.
Thanks for putting me on the right path I am rookie for sure I tagged a post wrong today also.
Oh well-making mistakes seems to be good learning tools so I will be happy in my lesson.
Have an awesome night!

That's okay. I've made some real doozy mistakes! Everyone has :) And, yes it is a learning tool for sure.

Beautiful pictures of nature waking up from it's winter rest! I love the yellow, it is so cheerful in springtime. Isn't it? Lovely @countrygirl! Happy Sunday!

Yellow is such a happy color, no matter what it's on. A real wake up color!

De hecho en psicopintura da esa interpretación amarillo: alegría, optimismo, felicidad...

These photo looks like poems! They remind me a really quiet day of rest, beautiful!

Very gentle and sensual pictures! I love taking pictures of leaves macro when they have raindrops on them. It turns out very nicely!

I'm happy you liked my photos @marymik23.

I agree wholeheartedly with John Lubbock’s sentiments @countrygirl And I love your beautiful spring buds and cloud images.

I'm so glad you enjoy poetry and prose as well. !!

I certainly did @countrygirl You never disappoint and you constantly amaze me with just how appropriate your prose is when you post your images.

I do love those restful kind of days! Beautiful springtime photos- I feel like I can't soak it in fast enough! Man, it was a long winter.

Me too.....and I need to do more of this....I did it today and enjoyed the warm sunshine on my back. John told me my back felt like a heater :) So romantic.

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