Steemit post beautifier

in #beautifier7 years ago

Helping newbies writing appealing posts

After reading many many posts on how to write winning pieces I thought why not help our newcomers be noticed quicker? As a begginer you might try your best in writing that dream post, science article, pet peeve... But if it is hard to read because you are not yet familiar with the formatting, or you left a spelling mistake in your title... People will skim and skip your precious post and read a better formatted, easier to read post from someone else instead.
You could become frustrated after all your efforts. You didn't get any upvotes steemUps and it would seem a waste of your time because you might not know yet where the problems lies. Maybe you'll even quit prematurely.

A beautifier bot to the rescue

How would it work?

Of course it's easy to invent a beautifier in your head but I have no idea on how to implement this "beautifier". Wether it has to be a spell checker, grammar checker in your browser is nice but leaves loose ends. A preview might be nice, why isn't there a preview button?

I was pleasantly surprised with the rewards bots like @steemitboard and I have a pretty good feeling a beautiful beautifier bot would be welcomed by a lot of Steemians. You don't have to install anything and no code change on the server side necessary. Of course the beautifier bot would be female!

The bot should also be pretty quick so that users have enough time to edit their posts. Raise your hand when you commonly notice mistakes just after publishing! Let's look at some common mistakes which could easily be identified.

Common grievances

  • This.You left no space after a period.
  • multiple spaces in weird places
  • Talking about yourself should be in Upper case. i am --> I am
  • spel spell check!
  • i can haz grammar check
  • not using any BIG text HEADER for a whole blob of text or paragraph
  • ALLCAPS screaming
  • not using (any) images or without captions
  • using too much, unnecessary or distracting images which don't add value, blinking gifs
  • blobs of endless text; put an empty line between paragraphs for readability
  • too many cute unicode symbols
  • no sources or links to original articles provided
  • appropriate (first) tags
  • formatting unreadable on mobile devices

But wait, maybe I even want to know how others write their posts!

Helpful metadata and Analytics

If we have a bot, we can also go the extra mile and provide analytics or helpful meta data

  • people might appreciate to have a top 100 or a trend-line of the most beautiful, readable posts
  • graphs having an axis of ratios, like amount of pictures per number of words used,
  • number of links per words
  • number sources per words
  • appropriate (first) tags
  • suggestions for tags?
  • indended audience or type of reading: scientific paper, recipe
  • number of headers / number of words
  • amount of words in a header
  • number of words = reading time! let people decide if they have time to read a long or a short post
  • Difficulty; uncommon words, explain like I'm 5...

Welcome aboard and feel free to share you insights and tips in the comments!


How did I format this article?

# Helping newbies writing *appealing* posts
After reading many many posts on *how* to write winning pieces I thought why not help our newcomers be noticed quicker? As a begginer you might try your *best* in writing *that dream* post, science article, pet peeve... But if it is hard to read because you are not yet familiar with the formatting, or you left a spelling mistake in your title... People will skim and skip *your* precious post and read a better formatted, easier to read post from *someone else* instead. You could become frustrated after all your efforts. You didn't get *any* ~~upvotes~~ steemUps and it would seem a waste of your time because you might not know yet where the problems lies. Maybe you'll even quit prematurely.
# A beautifier bot to the rescue
### How would it work?
Of course it's *easy* to invent a beautifier in your head but I have *no* idea on how to implement this "beautifier". Wether it has to be a spell checker, grammar checker in your browser is nice but leaves loose ends. A preview *might* be nice, *why* isn't there a preview button?

I was pleasantly surprised with the __rewards bots__ like @steemitboard and I have a pretty good feeling a *beautiful* __beautifier bot__ would be welcomed by a lot of Steemians. You don't have to install anything and no code change on the server side necessary. Of course the beautifier bot would be *female*! <insert joke>

The bot should also be pretty quick so that users have enough time to edit their posts. Raise your hand when you commonly notice mistakes just *after* publishing! Let's look at some common mistakes which could easily be identified.

<img src="" align="left">

# Common grievances
* This.You left no space after a period. <count spaces after each newline>
* multiple spaces in weird places
* Talking about yourself should be in Upper case. ~~i~~ am --> I am
* ~~spel~~ spell check!
* ~~i can haz~~ grammar check
* not using any BIG text **HEADER** for a whole blob of text or paragraph
* ALLCAPS screaming
* not using (any) images or without captions
* using too much, unnecessary or distracting images which don't *add* value, blinking gifs
* blobs of endless text; put an *empty line* between paragraphs for readability
* too many cute unicode symbols
* no *sources* or links to original articles provided
* appropriate (first) tags
* formatting unreadable on mobile devices

>But wait, maybe I even want to know how others write their posts!

# Helpful metadata and Analytics
If we have a bot, we can also go the extra mile and provide analytics or helpful meta data
* people might appreciate to have a top 100 or a trend-line of the most beautiful, readable posts
* graphs having an axis of ratios, like amount of pictures per number of words used,
* number of links per words
* number sources per words
* appropriate (first) tags
* suggestions for tags?
* indended audience or type of reading: scientific paper, recipe
* number of headers / number of words
* amount of words in a header
* number of words = reading time! let people decide if they have time to read a long or a short post
* Difficulty; uncommon words, explain like I'm 5...

### Welcome aboard and feel free to share you insights and tips in the comments!


i like it ;) jk

I don't claim to be the best writer, my strength is in numbers and data analytics.

My personal bug bear is typing 'you' instead of my intended 'your', my mind will scan over that sentience and give it the tick of approval 9 time out of 10 and i cannot see the error until i have made the post or sent the email :(.

Lucky or not, i have learnt to live with it and i am at peace.


My personal bug bear is typing 'you' instead of my intended 'your', my mind will scan over that sentience and give it the tick of approval 9 time out of 10 and i cannot see the error until i have made the post or sent the email :(.

Glad you like it. I went from IT doing iOS, UX to BI analytics so I'm still new but just installed bitshares app and I love it! It is all them combined haha!

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