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RE: "Beat Me" by Trash Juice (psy trance house violincore EDM streaming mp3)

A degree of amateurish interpretation will often keep a track fresh and innovative. Didn't you say you had jazz guitar training? I still have a cooperation request going by a lady who would like some jazz noir soundtrack for one of her novels.
I am utterly at a loss as to what chords to play, no idea about jazz. Will write her and see if the thing is still needed. If it is would you be interested in trying sxomething along those lines? Maybe send me some old chords progressions I can use for the project?
First of all: Latin day ;)


Wow, that sounds cool! My first instrument is piano/keyboards, I had a a few classes in Jazz appreciation and Bebop improvisation, and sat-in in a few Jazz club jam sessions. I'm not a guitar player per se, but I do have some pretty clean sounding guitar patches ...

Of course I would love to discuss in detail what sort of arrangement your acquaintance has in mind for 'Jazz Noir' (I think of a dark smoke filled bar when I hear that term, maybe a slow bluesy thing.)

Here's a tune for you to consider, I'd call Jazz Noir ... There's a chord in the this one that's unique ... A minor triad with a major upper partial C Eflat G B D ... Modern Jazz is all about the upper partials like playing two chords simultaneously, one 'stacked up' on top of another ...

Here's Ella singing it, too...

Actually I was thinking of the tune "Nica's Dream" that has the minor/major7th in it ...

Funny you should mention guitar ... the website that scanned in a lot of the old Real Book charts is this this one ...

Wow thank you for all those resources!!! I really really can use them and will dig through them today.
She posted a track that I could aim for that is in her liking in the kind of style she sees for her story, though I am not entirely certain I will be able to make time for it at the moment. The contests and my other work demand a lot of my focus these days, and then festival season is coming up hehe.
So gauging these bits of musical lore will help me greatly in getting a foot in the door.

The track she wants to aim for starts at minute 16:

Oh yeah, The 16:00 mark would be in the middle My Funny Valentine, on the playlist above. Heh! I notice the tune before it is Angel Eyes... My Funny Valentine is a fairly straight-forward descending minor harmony in the A of an AABA songform ... Have the charts for it myself played a lot, though never memorized. The guitar gives it a bit of a Latin Bossa Nova feel here, somewhat of a contemporary Smooth Jazz feel the way these cats are covering it here ...

These tunes really fall under the category of Jazz Ballads ... to play "Jazz Noir" as the client suggests, I would surmise one needs to step away from the contemporary Smooth Jazz sensibilities, and play the tune a bit more darker ...

Yeah I have the charts and have played these tunes at least a few times a year for over a decade now ...

So does she have the license for My Funny Valentine for her production, or would she just want a new tune with a descending minor harmony? ... Mix and mash My Funny Valentine and Angel Eyes for her maybe, that's what DIzzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker did largely to previous tunes when making the Bebop movement out of the Swing movement ...

If you're feeling like you don't have the bandwidth for this project at the moment, you could refer this client to me ...

You are priceless.
She cares less about the Jazz Noir, but more about a song in the style of the track @ 16:00. She wants something original that sounds similar I guess.

To be honest my friend I would LOVE to refer her to you, if it isnt too late already. She is on discord, is it ok if I give her your link on there and she contacts you if this project is still a thing?

I have ZERO competency in this area and it though it would make me learn massivley I really don't have the time to catch up on all that knowledge from scratch right now. Was kinda hoping you would make that offer <3

She is very laid back and easy going, and I feel you would be the perfect man for the job. If you want me to build that bridge I will do that today and get back to you.

Much love dude!

Wonderful! ... Well, actually not so wonderful that I left this comment to languish for almost two weeks, I don't know how that happened, my apologies.

Well OK, sure! please do refer her to me ... I did a tune earlier this year that uses the aforementioned minor/major 9th 'Jazz Noir' chord, can be heard at 1:36 ... not so sure if the rest of the tune quite fits the Jazz Noir theme, but this could at least be a great place to start the conversation if she is still looking for this...

... once again, sorry about the delayed reply!

Love and respect back at you!

Heya Zig,
no worries man, I miss comments all the time it's all good, thanks for your reply.
I mailed the lady on discord and she said she has changed the projects up a bit and will not require any music at this time^^

Anyways, a great opportunity to polish up on some music theory for me I guess ahhaa, cheers.
That traack once again is amazing. It's so cinematic! You may really want to apply for some psychedelic festivals with it and your music to it. It's such a challenging and enticing experience whenever I dive in, this one had a real good ol' days vibe about it. Jazz age in front of my eyes, the sax is so so awesome

There's that Minor/Major ninth chord again ... Must be a Jazz Noir Ballad thing... ;-)

The 'Descending Minor Harmony' is achieved by Chromatic 'Walking Down' ... in this case from C -to- B -to- Bflat, -to- A -to- Aflat ... (if you look at the C minor chord's upper partial ...)

Will learn up on descending minor scales today, at last some point to start for me. I'm such an autodidact - not much knowledge in terms of sheet music.
Thanks zig

Ah, once again sorry for the slow response ...

I would say the descending minor is more of a chord progression than a scale ... the individual line of notes to suggest the descending melody are usually chromatic, like from a fifth down to a minor third or in the above examples, from the root of the chord down to the flatted 6th like in My Funny Valentine above ... Cminor, Cmin/maj7, Cmin7, Cmin6, A-flat7 ... Really simply intuitive for a complicated name, typical of a lot of music theory.

Guess that worked well to deter me for so long ahaha.

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