
Thank you! Funny you should say that! My intention was not to sound jazzy as much as get closer to what EDM sounds like, hence the constant 'four on the floor' kick ...

Actually I believe the expression, 'four on the floor', itself, is from the Big Band/Swing (~1930's) Jazz era where drummers like Gene Krupa would put the kick drum on every beat, the later drummers of the Bebop Jazz Era (~1943 and thereafter) would tend to only get the '1' beat and perhaps anticipatory beats, lest I digress...

Then, as I suggested in my blog post, I had 'an itch' ... I hadn't picked up the violin for about a week preceding the recording, the tonal center appearing to be around the key of 'G' (easy for me on violin) ...

...and to be honest, I suppose I still have strong feelings that solos could coexist with dance music like in the Swing Era ...

Conscious intention versus intuitive reflex somewhat reconciled in the recording of this piece?

...and yes, Carl Gustav Jung himself describes how dealing with the intuitive mind is dealing with madness ;-)

Then again, I may only be making excuses for myself, the 'madness' may also be perceived as a lack of appreciation for 'musical economy' ... Well, I do pay some respect to that concept in the last sentence in the blog, although I probably do have "shadows" to deal with, still ... ;-)

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