
Get better soon. It is no fun to deal with doctors but thank goodness they are there when we need them. I am not sure if you meditate. Maybe try some relaxing music and try to take your mind off worries. :) We can chat whenever you feel like it in discord too. I feel a connection with you. I find you a great photographer and a person who cares about others. @tattooday

Thanks so kind of you, I am a lucky person in that I dont worry or do stress for the most part, unfortunately with the lung issues I have I am susceptible to chest infections so I just have to be sensible and deal with them, the good thing is todays visit my blood oxygen levels had improved and I am slowly feeling better, I am off for the rest of this week so I will bounce back no problem :)

Thanks for the other of chatting I do appreciate and also feel a connection :)

Well among other things I am a former Registered Respiratory Therapist so I understand more than many the scariness of not being able to breathe. Relaxation techniques go a long way.

Working at one county hospital they asked me to see a patient. As you know if you get excited when you have problems breathing it only gets worse.

This patient actually remembered them massaging his heart. I did a guided meditation with him while he was in ICU. To calm him down.

Breathing is the key to relaxation. Anyway my thoughts are with you. :)

thanks truly appreciate your kindness

editing photos is my way of meditating these days

ohh and ordering new toys so I just ordered the new apple watch :)

photography definitely is a form of meditation. I go into the zone. maybe I will do a few today.

I haven't been out taking photos for a week now I so want to get out but need to be sensible

sensible is best. take photos inside, lots of more set up .. or better yet rest. You will feel better soon enough.

yeah I seldom do indoor shots our current place is to small when I retire and move I am planning to make a space for an indoor studio of some sort

for now focusing on resting ;)

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