Beach Wednesday :: Oceanfront Park Beach, South FL :: Bonus Fingernail Moon

in #beachwednesday6 years ago (edited)

You'll have to forgive me my beach photos. On a Wednesday, my mind wants to go there, and would happily do so were it not attached to my body.

I keep most of the photos I take, just in case I want to be inspired or reminded of something. Photos are today's equivalent of a diary. This 'diary entry' was from April, 2015, but I specifically remembered how visible the moon was in the morning sky.

Hello, Moon.
Holy cow, that's a fat cloud. Even my cats aren't this fat.
I like the different types of clouds here. Little fragments, some wavy bits, and larger scudding things. Yes, these are all technical terms.
A flock of birds provide interesting silhouettes as they flit across the sky.
Such a long, empty beach. We were the only ones here.
Last view through the palm trees. Hello, sunrise.

Photos by @negativer

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Florida sunrises never disappoint. Something about being alone on the beach before anyone else gets there really soothes the soul.

This is true. I don't mind going in the daytime, but then you're dealing with people and kids and hot sun and sunburn. Sunrise is the perfect time.

I love those fat pink clouds! I love thunderheads, and I always want to go jump around on them. I suppose it wouldn’t be as fun as it looks, especially since you would fall right through. But I can imagine!

Thx @jayna! The clouds here in FL reach epic proportions sometimes. I wouldn't mind lofting myself into their pillowy embrace. It seems the ceiling on the sky in FL is much higher than it is up in Wisconsin (where we also spend a lot of time), and the clouds just have more room to grow.

Is that the scientific explanation? 😊

I will dig up some of my cloud pictures from MN. They are the craziest in the summer months. And then we get crazy crazy thunderstorms, which I love.

Isn’t Steemit funny? This morning I read my sister @jayna’s Beach Wednesday post from yesterday, and commented. In her post she mentioned your Beach Wednesday post and said how beautiful your photos were (I quite agree. I love a moody beach and these are so gorgeously dark!). Then I remembered you had commented on my Fitbit post the other day. Long story short, I am now following you. Writing and photography and home brewing? Great priorities! Happy posting.

@ducksaplenty, you won’t be disappointed. @negativer delivers! He posts all kinds of things, including fiction. I met him through The Writers’ Block, so we also rub elbows on Discord. And he has a wonderfully sardonic wit!

Eek! The pressure is really on now! Thanks for the pleasant words @jayna, and thanks for the follow @ducksaplenty!

Ha ha—that’s the downside of glowing reports, isn’t it? Then you feel like you have to live up to them! 👀

"You'll have to forgive me my beach photos."

No, I won't. Not unless you'll have to forgive me for never thinking that a beach photo could possibly be an offense. I LOVE the beach! ;)



Thanks @creatr! At least I know you're a fellow beach bum. I appreciate the support :)

I've always loved the beach, but especially since becoming a surfer at about 40...

Dont be sorry! I thank you for your pics at his category :D I know exactly how you feel! In this cold winter you just wanna go back to the beach somewhere.. and this helps, eventhough its just for a sec ;) .. looking forward to your next one.

Much thanks! I'm glad you take a peek at some of these beach photos as they come through! If they warm a cold person up at least once, they've done their job :)

Love these shots. I believe the mind can go anywhere but the senses are a little more reluctant. It is indeed Wednesday hump and we need a pick me up to mount the summit. I went with daffodils. It is yellow Wednesday on here or something. But the beach ... yeah the beach. I live across the street from English Bay. I could literally go there in body, but I would freeze to death in short order. Bring on the warmth. I am done with winter)

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awesome photography , such a lovely view

wao, amazing photos.

These are so lovely. I can almost hear the water and the cries of the birds... smell the salt... feel the wind in my hair... It's been too long since I've seen the ocean. sigh

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