Secret Spot: Come With Me To The Beach And We'll Get Lost 📷 Pure Shores Of "La Graciosa" 🐟

in #beach7 years ago

'Some beautiful paths can't get discovered without getting lost.' - Erol Ozan

You may be talking about La Graciosa, Erol. 

It's one of these unimposing places that don't appear on world maps. It's a secret spot, a hidden treasure, an undiscovered pearl. 

I'm not lost for words very often, but the beauty of this island instantly rendered me speechless. I'm going to show you why..!

Playe De Las Conchas | Pirate Marly Of The Caribbean :-)

Find Your Beach And Get Lost 🐟

Sometimes we're so focussed on our daily lives that we miss the beautiful little things in the corner of our eyes.

It so happened to me with the Isle of La Graciosa. I'm living on the Canary Islands for several years now. However, it took me a decade to discover the probably most beautiful spot of the whole archipelago.

Life is like that: the good things need a while :-)

Lucky me a friend of mine started posting pictures from that place on Instagram. I couldn't believe I was living next door but even though hadn't been there still! 

Discovering The Secret Spot 

Isle Of La Graciosa ("The Funny Island") 

La Graciosa is a volcanic island located 2 km north of the island of Lanzarote across the strait called El Río.

Every summer there is a big swimming contest taking place where hundreds of brave water addicts cross El Río swimming from Lanzarote to the little neighbor island. 

To be honest I'm great at watching swim contests but then preferred to take the boat to get there :-)

Island Hopping - My Favorite Hobby 🚣‍
Taking Off To "Playa De Las Conchas"!

The Trip: Lanzarote ........ La Graciosa 

In 30 minutes a small boat takes you from the harbour of "Órzola" to "Caleta de Sebo) which is the capital (well let's call it main village) of La Graciosa.

Being Resident of the Canary Islands I got a discount of 50% on the ferry and paid only €10.00 for the round trip (for not Residents it's €20.00 which is still fair).

The boats leave every 30 minutes, both from the harbor on La Graciosa and Lanzarote, so you actually don't need to do a pre-booking. 

After arrving we immediately started to hike towards "The Beach".

For the ones who don't want to walk approximately 1:15 hours (one way) on a rocky and dusty road, there are shuttle services and bicycle rentals. 

However, I've always been a hiker and enjoy places most when discovering them by foot. That applies both to islands and big cities.

Besides, a 70-80 minutes walk isn't a big thing. The only thing you need are comfortable sports shoes, sun protection and a lot of water to drink. Sun can be burning down heavily, especially since there are no trees or other sun blinds on the way.

Here's the perfect song for the hike 🎵
"Pure Shores" - All Saints (Deichgraf & Balkenstein Remix)

Every time I close my eyes and listen to that song I'm there again.

Probably the very best thing about that memory is the fact that this spot is only 2,5 hours away from my house.

Open your eyes again! What an amazing place!!!

Do you know these moments when nature leaves you speechless? 

That happened to me when I was standing on the mountain looking down on the most beautiful shore I had ever seen so far. 

The beach was ours. 

It took me a while to realize that I wasn't dreaming. 

We spent the whole afternoon there, taking sun baths, swimming and simply enjoying the moment. 

This place taught me: The best dreams happen when we are awake.

Hope you enjoyed my little daydream :-)

Marly - 

"Pure Shores" - The album 📷

The Beach | No Words Needed 

Hiking Spot With A View | Love These Colors!!! 

Bird's Eye View On The Beach And Surroundings

Playa Montaña Amarilla (Yellow Mountain Beach) | A Snorkeler's Paradise 🐟

Caleta de Sebo | Main Village And Harbour 

Sandy Streets | No Shoes Needed 

Original content (pictures taken by myself; except two which are marked).


What a place! I could do vacationing at a place like that right about now! :D

I can relate. That's why I decided to live here 😊

WOW! I saw your location as Canary Islands! Must be awesome to live there... Do share more pictures in the days to come!

Suddenly you seem like a rich oil tycoon living in a tax haven! Are you? Are you? :P

Hahaha, if you mean "suntan oil": YES!
We've certain tax benefits here, yip. Corporate Income Tax is 4% instead of the 25% you have on the mainland (Spain). Here's more details just in case you wanna know more about it:

However, that only makes sense if you've got a lot to pay taxes on. As you know I'm still not a whale... working on it! 😃

Same here! Can't wait to be a whale! (might have to go back in time for that now! lol!

Thanks for the info. I'm going to look it up! But since you have a German passport it should've been easier to move there i suppose.

I have no idea if it is easier for German people. I've got my Residence since 1997, and my parents did all the paperwork for the whole family at that point of time. If I remember well you need a) an already signed job contract with a local company or b) sufficient capital on your bank account to get the documents.

Oh you mean to say you are a resident of Canary Islands? That's great! Thanks for the tips! When we become whales, i'll be sure to park my funds in a Canary island off shore account loL!

Yip, I am :)
That's surely a good idea. Let's see how long it takes us to become whales. If steem price continues increasing like this, it'll be soon :)

After my last vacation, i need another one. Remind me to give you a shout for that ticket ;)

Haha, it's always a good time to go on vacation 😊
Btw: replying late since I had no internet connection during the last 5 hours... Probably the only disadvantage of the "island life".

No worries..i had the same problem when i was down south of UK..and that's in the mainland lolsss

Haha, OK I feel better now 😁

Yeah..although i thought i'll enjoy not having internet once in a while. it wasnt easy ;)

damn, so hot 😍 .... i wü a !!!!

Yip! Tell me about it: 30 degrees Celsius today 😁

@surfermarly WoW... simply incredible. Thank You 4 Sharing !!

UpVoted, ReSteemed & Promoted...

Loved listening to the music... while reading Your Post. I can fully appreciate & understand how this music can bring back Your memories of this special place... Thanks Again Marly !!

Promoted?! Wow... What an honor! Thank you 😊

@surfermarly Your Post inspired me & I've got to admit I copied Your idea of the music ( did use a different song >> : ~ )) ... Please see my Post below after I listened & read Your Post earlier today.

So Thank You 4 the inspiration AND Please keep creating incredible Posts 4 everyone here.

Have a Great Weekend !!

Oh nice!!! Upvoted 😊
I'm happy that my content inspired you to write about it.
Have a great time, too!

Being from Cyprus myself I can appreciate these kind of beaches

Oh wow! 1:0 for you 😆 That place is amazing!!! Love the coloring.

Yeah. I live on an island too. no big waves though.

We've got a lot here 😉
That's my home spot, hehe:

Oh dear, I now realize why I am more of a mountains guy

Tolle Bilder :) war auch in der Ecke vor einiger Zeit von dem Spot habe ich aber noch nichts gehört. Danke für den Tip ;) up !!!

Ah cool! Auf Lanzarote, oder wo genau?
Sehr gerne geschehen 😊

Great post, ironically my post today is also about a beach and a song, take a look if you have time.

Oh nice! Great minds think alike 😉 Will jump over right now.
I didn't have any internet connection during the past 5 hours... That's called "island life", haha!
Now I have to recover all the missed posts and vote like crazy, hehe
Enjoy your weekend!!!

That is one calm blue ocean behind you @surfermarly's really a paradise i wish to visit!

Sometimes it's calm and sometimes now. That is one of the things I love most about the islands: you have a lot of different climate zones and weather changes quickly, being smooth almost all the time.

Oh, how i wish to be there🤔

outstanding ...great story

Thank you, I'm happy that you enjoyed it 😊
I love your avatar's picture!!! 100% vacation feeling. Great!
Following your blog now.

ok...we are in this together !!!

After reading this post even I'm thinking to go on a long vacation :)

I can totally relate! Will leave in 5 days 😊

ok cool...have a happy vacation :)

lol.... you are my hero - she will leave from paradise to holiday :)
holy malony!

That's how it is 😊😊😊


Warum soids guate Leit schlecht gehn ;)

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