My beginning as a slave part III
When I had filled in the entire document I told him so. He got up from his computer and flicked through it.
"Okay" he said "I see you've filled this in entirely, I like what I see, how do you feel right now"
"Good I guess? I put a lot of 1's, and 2's,..."
"You also put a lot of 3's and some 4's. No-one likes everything, it's all about finding common ground to play and that is certainly there."
"So what happens now?"
"Well, I've just printed two documents. They are are our contracts.
The first covers the entire nature of our relationship. You will want to read through it, but it stipulates the following:
You will be my slave. We will both be momogamous, You will not be shared with other masters, neither will I take other slaves.
I've filled in your requests not to be submitted to anything that breaks the skin, no electricity, and no piss or faeces.
It further stipulates that you will receive safewords which we are to agree upon. It stipulates that you are free to choose your own place of residence, your own career, and that you can keep any money which you make in that career. It stipulates that I will contribute towards any expenditures on your behalf.
Finally it stipulates that I cannot ask you to send me pictures or videos of yourself. I can however ask you to picture or videotape yourself, and show me those videos or pictures, after which you can do with the material as you please.
That is thee general contract, which, barring renegotiations, will govern our entire relationship.
Seeing as how you are inexperienced however, this is not enough. You have to be eased into this a bit.
The second contract is for a limited time of 3 months, and it stipulates much more in detail how far I can go with you:
We will have 1 weekly BDSM session, on top of that you will visit once a week to clean this place, and conduct other chores. Intercourse is optional during these visits, but the focus is to be on your duties as a houseslave.
I have the right to decide on your clothing during play, and I get to make 1 adjustment to your every day attire should I wish to do so.
I can give you 1 task to perform per week, this can be given at a whim by cellphone.
I get to make 1 lifestyle change to your everyday life during this period.
I ge to change your haircut, but have to keep it at something mainstream.
On top of our regular sessions, I have the right to visit you unannounced at your place for a session.
It also stipulates that during these first three months we will begin anal training and deepthroat training.
Lastly it stipulates that at the end of a session, we will break out of the master slave routine, and have a moment during which you can honestly tell me how you feel about the things you've went through.
After three months, you will cease to be my slave, and we can talk about a follow up contract, during which we can go farther, as you desire.
Does that seem reasonable to you?"
I had no idea what I was to think about this, so I just told him: "I guess so"
"Than, if you are serious about starting this?"
"I am" I stated as my heart was pounding in my throat
"Than take the white T-shirt I asked you to bring"
"Confused I fumbled in my handbag and brought it out."
"You will go into the bathroom, the second door on the left in the hallway. You will remove your shirt, and bra, put on that white T-shirt, and tuck it into your pants, than return."
I got up, In the bathroom I looked in the mirror as I stood there naked from the waist up. I looked at my tits, which appeared lobsided, and the nipples, which had never appeared as awkwardly pointed as they where now. I put on the T-shirt.
My breasts hanging loose under there did not appear as perky as I would have liked them. I tucked the shirt in as tight as I could, hoping to provide a bit more support for them, but only succeeded in making my nipples protrude even more... Finally I walked back to the livingroom.
"If you are willing to be my slave, under the stipulations clarified in the two contracts which we just discussed, than I ask you now to kneal before me."
I walked towards him, and sat down on my knees.
"Look me in the eyes"
I looked up into his eyes.
"I will take out my cock now. You will take the head in your mouth, you will not do anything else, just hold it there, while I accept you as my slave."
As he produced his erect cock, I took his dick in. I had little experience with blowjobs, but somehow just keeping it in my mouth doing nothing was even more awkward.
While I had been taking his cock in, he had bent over, so that his hands could reach down to my breasts, which he was now holding in his hands.
Than he started talking
"I hereby take you as my slave. We will both adhere to our contracts. You will do your best to serve me and to obey me, while I will respect you as a slave. I will humiliate you, I will use you sexually, I will hurt you, I will make you change your life, and sometimes it will be hard. You would not be here if you did not feel that that is exactly what you need. Your safeword shall be "stop", for whenever you cannot handle what is going on, and "numb" for when you feel that bloodcirculation has been cut off. I will never try to make you use your safewords. Remember this, and endure when you feel tempted. If you prove to be a good and obedient slave, I will reward you with that which you crave, the feeling of handed over control to me. If you do not wish to accept me as your master under these conditions, I ask you to remove my cock from your mouth. If you accept me as your master under these conditions, take my cock as deep as you can without gagging."
Whereas in the beginning the cock had felt awkward, I had found it to be strangely significative, and at the same time have a meaningful, meditative purpose during his speech. When he was done, I slowly slid my mouth forward over his cock, untill I was a little over halfway. Than I helf it there, all this time I had been looking into his eyes
He smiled "You can get up now" He sais as he himself straighthened himself and released my breasts.
I got up, and had no idea what was to be expected now. I was wet, and horny, and hoped to be fucked, although I was also nervous, lest he wish to immediately get going on his trainings.
You will now sit down at that table and sign those 2 contracts, he told me as he walked towards a drawer.
"Now that you are my slave you will adress me with Sir"
"Yes Sir"
I walked to the table, and sat down, and signed the two pieces of paper. He now stood behind me.
"I read in your sublist that you do not fancy wearing a slave collar. Do not worry, this is part of the ceremony, you will not be required to wear it all the time" he told me, and with that he put a leather necklace around my neck, with a metal ring hanging from the middle.
"Here is the key" he said as he guided my hand towards it, "you will lock it yourself, as final act of this ceremony, you can remove it before you leave"
With one final gasp, I twisted the key, and locked the collar around my own neck. Than he put down a mirror in front of me, so that I could look at myself.
"No woman ever looked more radiant than you do right now. With that we have almost concluded today.
I read that you only masturbate about 2 times per week. As the only lifestyle change which I can make for these three months, I order you to masturbate twice daily, and inform me every time immediately afterwards, by text message.
"Yes Sir?"
"Yes Sir indeed" he laughed "you will get used to obeying my desires"
"As your task for this week, you will look up 5 pictures or movies of women in BDSM situations that you like. You will show them to me next session, and explain what you like about them. You will also bring at least one example of what you do not like, and show that to me.
And with that, this session is over. You can leave. If you wish you may remove the collar before leaving, you will keep it with you, as it belongs to you.
"I would like to remove it Sir"
"Than go ahead"
With that I fumbled towards the lock, and opened it, thereby removing the collar. Once I had it in my hands I looked closely at it.
"It is the symbol of your belonging to me, respect, and treasure that collar as such, you will not appear for cleaning duties this week, I will see you again next week Saturday at the same time."
With that he walked me to the door
"Wear heels next time" he told me as he shut the door