My Entry for First 5 days of 2019 (Contest Post)

in #bdcommunity5 years ago

This is a great contest by @priyanarc and it is with pleasure I am taking part. You can find the link to the contest here. Here are my answers to the questions.


Question 1

When you are older, what do you think, children will ask you to tell them stories about????

  • When I was a child, I was very inquisitive and I know my children will have that gene in their DNA. I expect questions about my growing up. How I got to be who I will be then. How I met their mother and our love story. Lastly, I expect them to ask about the Sankofa stories I have written on my blog because they will be introduced to this platform and will definitely check out my writings. I love sharing stories so they better be ready to hear lot of them from me. Thank you.

Question 2

What was one of your most defining moment in life??

  • The most defining moment in my life was choosing a course to study in the university. I wanted to study Computer Engineering while my father wanted Electrical/Electronics Engineering. We argued for a period of time and I eventually went to study the course. It was abstract but I pushed on to get the certificate to please him. After that, I went back to study Computer Engineering because of my love for Computers. I studied some IT-related courses and I am doing fine now. It was defining because a wrong decision would have affected us negatively. Even though I studied the first course out of my own will, it gives me thrill to know I have a second degree I love so much. Thank you.

Question 3

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?

This is quite tricky because I have so many valuable possessions. Let me just answer the best way I can.

  • First, my HP Laptop. It contains so many information that I can’t do without. Scanned certificates, articles written by me, old pictures and media files, backup of my Blockchain passwords, backup of byteball wallet (lol) and many other things that are necessary. As a Computer Engineer, I am nothing without my laptop. I write programmes, design graphics and other IT-related stuffs on it.

  • My old Infinix Phone is the second possession. This phone is old but hard to let it go, we have been through a lot together. I don’t give my new phone so much attention as this. I type freely with it without looking at the keyboard because I am so used to it. It also contains vital documents about me.

  • My Bible is the third possession. Bible is a spiritual book that a Christian consult to live a righteous life. There are so many things to learn from this holy book and it inspires & motivates me to be a better person every day. Most vital spiritual possession.

  • The fourth possession is my Rottweiler Dog. Do you love a pet so much that you consider it to be a part of your family? He has been with me for 3 years now and the bond between us is too deep. He is indispensable and find it hard to think of a life without his face.

  • The last possession is my certificate folder. This folder is over 20 years old and contains original certificates since I was in primary school till now, all my results when I was in school, my transcripts, awards (paper type), birth certificate and other vital documents. Thank you.

Question 4

What is your best childhood memory that you would like to relive??

  • This question brings lot of memories in my head. I can remember my grandmother calling us out under the full moon to tell us different stories and folktales. Life was so peaceful and interesting back then. My grandmother is late now. If I have the power, I will bring her back to tell me another story by the moonlight. Also, I remember when I was small and we used to go to fruit farms to play and eat fruits. We didn’t know the importance of eating fruits but we ate lots of them; Orange, Tangerine, Mango, Pawpaw, Cashew e.t.c. Thank you.

Question 5

What is your one important “must achieve” goal for 2019??

  • This is the easiest question for me. I have helped so many startups and companies to grow through my experience and knowledge in web development, python programming and others. This is my year to start my own company. I hope I can achieve this goal in 2019. For 3 years, I have been running from starting due to fear. I was encouraged last year by a co-programmer and work started fully. I hope it is well received because it will help many people and solve an important issue in my country. I seriously can’t wait, even though a part of me is still scared. Thank you.

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