BAT is now on Twitter? Another Steem miss...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bat5 years ago

Well sort of.

For those using the Brave web browser, you can now tip posts on twitter using BAT.

Basically now content creators on Twitter can get some extra income via BAT tips.

Sounds like a dream scenario for Steem.

We had all the opportunity in the world to get on twitter and any of the other major social sites and we completely wasted it all.

Thanks Ned!

Steem had a 2-3 year head start on most of these projects and now they are behind them... how in the world does that happen?!

Serious question.


I think we need to stop blaming Steemit Inc and/or Ned for stuff like this. Do we want them to do everything? In fact there is already an app that you can use to tip users with steem on twitter that was built a long time ago.

This is the anouncement posted over a year ago:

They sold $76 million worth of steem, steem that was ninja mined (for free) for the purpose of growing the steem ecosystem and building out you know that right?

First and foremost it wasn't mined for free. At the time they invested in opening several instances of steemd in AWS. No one else cared to do the same and they were very open about their intention to acquire a majority stake.

The point of my comment is that alot of people keep blaming steemit for not doing stuff that they think they should have done. We should not expect them to do everything that we want them to do. Steem is an open protocol and nobody needs to ask permission to build on top of it nor blame them for using their stake in a way that they see fit.

This does not mean that I agree with the way that they have handled the development of the blockchain (which is their main focus).

Frankly, the blame steemit inc argument is getting old, especially since you chose an area of discussion (twitter tipping) where someone else already did the work over a year ago.

It was just one of many, it was just the most recent one to come to mind. If you can think of anything worthwhile they have done with the $76 million worth of steem they have sold, I am all ears!

Defending them with how they acquired their stake is fine, but it says it right in the bloody whitepaper what it was to be used for, it hasn't really done what it was intended.

Expecting anyone to build on here without supplying them with resources is fool hearty, and those resources haven't really been there outside of a few random delegations and interesting advertising choices (dog park?!).

The reason Inc receives so much blame is because they have the most resources (by far) of anyone on the steem blockchain. 'To whom much is given, much is expected...'

May I ask at which page in the whitepaper does it state how they were supposed to use their stake? I don't recall reading that.

I don't disagree that the usage of their resources has been subpar (at best) but the blame steemit trope has become a cliché and is so old steem.

Well dang. I don't see it there now. Perhaps I am mistaken and read it in a comment by Dan or Ned several years back, I am not completely sure. Has the white paper been changed in the last couple years? It looks different to me now...

The white paper changed but the original one did not mention anything about any commitments from steemit regarding their stake. There might be some comments from Dan or Ned about this, but nevertheless I don't think that we disagree about what is widely perceived as mismanagement of their stake when it comes to development of the ecosystem.

Steemit might not see things the same way, in any case at the current rate they will power down in about 2 years (last time I checked). At that point (or even before that) the rest of the stake holders will need to step up. If you ask me that is a good thing, we don't need a central point of failure when it comes to development or growth of the network.

We all know that steemit doesn't have a good track record when it comes to delivering on their own roadmaps. Lately it appears that they are getting their act together but it's better if we just start to proceed as if they are no longer relevant. If they contribute...great, if not we need to take matters in our own hands.

Well put, and I agree.

We just need to get some projects on here that are well resourced to begin with. Right now every project comes here for financing/funding, not a great model for increasing the price of steem.

Steem is like Tesla in some way, the first out of the block but now the competition has caught up.

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Yep, I read that Ford is planning to dwarf what Tesla has been able to achieve.

In steem's case, that's not good.

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