
Thank you for your reply. How do I move up to SBI?

We can only slot 500 people into each pool, and the first two are at capacity, so all new members are put into SBI3 right now. As members become inactive, they get moved down and spaces become available to move up. We also look at posting frequency and seek to put every member in the pool where their weekly voting weight can be spread across their posts and not result in too small an upvote for our voting software to handle.
That means that increasing your share count can increase the likelihood of moving up. The green highlighting on your per post weight means that you qualify to move up a pool as spaces become available. You would probably need to increase your share count to move up more than one pool.
When we fully automate, there will be a new balancing system (posting frequency will be less important than it is now), and existing members will be shuffled again. There is no guarantee that moving up now would result in staying in the higher pool after the new system, but having more shares will still improve your likelihood of moving up.

Very interesting system you have set up. I was just asking myself this same exact question and I saw that you already answered it. Thanks! If you don't have a faq you should make one and add this for sure.

I have an FAQ in progress.

Thank you for the info. I'll try to get more shares thanks

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