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RE: Time And Value Are the Only Adversaries Of Universal Basic Income, Greenspan Just Predicted A Major Crash

in #basicincome7 years ago (edited)

YES, robotics and automation are taking over, that you like it or not... and you'd better wake up fast. The powers that be already knew in the 70's that jobs would completely vanish, watch the doc below.

You still cannot make sense of what lies ahead because you are too conditioned by the "carrot and the stick theory" that is called the "free market". And do not comprehend that darwinism is a game for the masses, which is capitalized upon by the top 1%

Money is required for higher level trading that makes our high standard of living possible. Money is not something forced upon us

are you denying the existence of the top 1%, You already disregarded that the US has 100 trillion worth of debts according to the Dallas Fed reserve several years ago, several future generations held hostage by our foolishness to borrow the future as if there is no tomorrow, yes it has been forced on them as much as on us today.... the dollar may be worth less than 2 cents today of real money. 98% inflation/usury.... and you advocate for free markets? The UBI is another keynesian enterprise

Fisher added, "According to our calculations at the Dallas Fed, that unfunded debt of Social Security and Medicare combined has now reached $104 trillion

You have to stretch it further. I will use my rewards to place banners all over the web to disseminate what earth custodians stand for. Just like in aikido, using the inertia of an opponent. His force is now my strength, two different mindsets. This is a side effect of dualism, polarity, one of the 7 Cosmic Principles. Materialism cannot be quantified, hence the widespread misery it has caused. WW3 is lurking because of money... what incentive. Ohh it is good for the economy that people die??? Hallo!!! If you think like this, then you are next, simple

voluntary free market???

Go to for articles, watch my trailer

Obsolete Documentary

the robotic and automation trends are exponential, just like anything else in Life. Ignorance doesnt stagnate either and it is my duty to EDUCATE the masses about what lies ahead


You remind me of the doomsayers at the beginning of the industrial revolution. Machines are going to take over all the jobs and everyone will starve! Well guess what? The machines didn't ruin everyone's life, they made everyone's life better.

You conflate so many things in one post that it makes my head spin. The free market is not a carrot and stick. It is making voluntary trades that benefit you. The theory of evolution is a fact. You not accepting it does not change reality. What the fuck? I don't deny the top 1%. I don't deny the bottom 1%. That is just stupid. Yes, our fiat money is being inflated into worthlessness. If you read history, this happens to every fiat currency. So, you must protect your wealth against inflation. Don't hold cash, hold valuable things. They will hold their value against the diminishing value of the currency.

LOLZ, you are using money to further your ends. You see? It is simply a tool to further one's ends. It is not evil. How would you get those ads without money? Your moneyless society is a ridiculous idea.

"money-free" and moneyless are 2 different things... are you aware of the problems of a cashless society that is in the cards as we speak?

stretch it ... taking care of a problem is taking care of all of them, any theory that doesnt do that is doomed to fail. Because all problems are EXPONENTIAL, another cosmic law.

It makes your head spin because you are framed into a right-left illusion, that has turned the planet in a prison without bars and humanity into free range chickens.

I told you, in this environment money can only be used to end it. The monetrist paradigm is coming to an end. Can'T you see this?

unfollow now, here is what I suggest to you

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 – 1860)

wealth cannot be created nor destroyed and time is an illusion, what is provable scientifically, with physics.

dont believe in the mind revolution, you'd better do :)

The History (And Future) of Social Engineering

My head spins because you make no sense. Not every idea that is ridiculed turns out to be earth shaking truth. Sometimes they are just stupid ideas. :)

You are stuck in that left and right paradigm, circular thinking... I need my carrot and stick to make my world go round and feel like I deserve a reward for my efforts... in the meantime greenspan warns of a MAJOR crash, america has 100 trillion debts, and the world debt is most likely 5x the GDP.. That is what happens with the carrot and the stick which obviously are a distraction

And then you tell me that money is necessary.... watch the videos on social engineering, and fast

meanwhile scientists now can store computer data in the DNA. But I am the one writing about scifi.

that time only exists as a projection of the mind has been out there for several decades/centuries... that should be taught in elementary schools. Quantum mechanics and physics have proven this.

The Illusion of Time with Dr. Bruce H. Lipton

I left behind the left/right political spectrum a long time ago, probably before you were born.

If you don't expect a reward for your efforts, why would anyone make an effort?

Money is necessary for any kind of economic calculation. And we need economic calculations in this world of scarcity.

Every single person decides what to do with their time. And with those decisions, they forego doing other things. Every person has a unique hierarchy of needs and desires and acts on them accordingly. Time being the ultimate scarce item. When you are doing one thing, you can't be doing another. And we decide on what we will do by comparing costs vs benefits of doing something rather than something else. And we must use price to determine costs and benefits. And to have a price, we must have money.

I don't know why you hate money so much. Have you gotten your money by immoral means? People often hate money who are ashamed of how they earned it. On the other hand, earning your money morally and lawfully would give you a great sense of pride and accomplishment.

I do not hate money and THANK money for having OPENED my eyes, that my LOVE for humanity is stronger than money, I SEE that the world is bankrupt because of millennia long of chasing money, believing in the carrot and the stick. If you you have left behind the left vs right paradigm, darwin is your belief system and that is why you see exploitation by any means as a fact of life. We all die anyway. This is moral relativism, one of the biggest scourges as we speak.

Spermageddon: Is the revelation that male fertility rates have plunged by 60% due to chemicals... WHO IS GOING TO JAIL for that??? We all die anyway? Too big to jail???

On the other hand, earning your money morally and lawfully would give you a great sense of pride and accomplishment.

Making a living in a world that is completely broke LAWFULLY you mean? A world that canT even repay its debts? What pride? CanT you see the illusion? Greenspan Just Predicted A Major Crash and you do not care about all the people - middle class especially - that will lose everything? That is the law of the fittest, indeed.

There are NO incentive in perpetuating something that has caused the world bankruptcy, especially when the masses don't even realize that they are socially engineered to achieve such an end result and turned into happy machines of consumerism.

You do not want to question that, that is your right. Maybe because of your age you dont want to face the facts that by 2025, we'll have almost 40% unemployment, because it wont be your problem anymore. I know many people like that, they dont care and think the next generations will fix the problems. That translates a lack of personal responsibility and that is precisely why the planet is bankrupt.

I took the red pill 15 years ago and feel fine and will continue to awaken people, I am on a mission. Every spiritualist has warned against materialism and I am another one.

thank you for unfollowing

ps: I am going to edit all our conversations and post them on the earth custodians blog, for everybody to see how I answer people who worship materialism and pat their egos while the world is going under.

I don't worship anything. I just find it extremely funny that people are so fucked up that they attack the very thing that has made their lives so easy. 40% unemployment by 2025? Our unemployment rate has fallen from 10% to 4% in the last 7 years. So it is going in the opposite direction that you claim.

You continually make these outlandish claims that are lies.

I believe in personal responsibility. Nobody owes me anything. I believe that making one's own life better is the first step in making the world a better place.

Have fun editing and misrepresenting me. Thank god for this platform in that you can't edit what I say.

read the news better... because you believe fake news... research the disaster of QE, quantitative easing, by the federal reserve that has INJECTED trillions of dollars -- aka DEBT- into the economy to help it stay afloat... but with debt there is only ONE way..... down, the falling dominoes theory will occur. No if but when.

Greenspan predicts a mega bond crash (thanks to QE) and you are still lauding the system. Easy to make believe that the economy is doing fine with CREDIT CARDS.... tricking the unemployment rate is a magic trick with debts forced onto the taxpayers. If we hadnt had any poisonous QE, there would be at least 20-25% unemployment today. That is precisely why Greenspan sent a warning!!! What a double face he is though

Oct 29, 2014 · Central bank's head, Janet Yellen, confirms cessation of buying bonds in October after injection of £4.5 trillion over five years

Although I can copy and paste and edit, I will mostly edit myself, formulate my thoughts better. I will not misrepresent you, not needed because your replies are cliches, and such social cliches are widespread. I'd be foolish to change your wording.

You continually make these outlandish claims that are lies.

The world is broke, bankrupt -- end of story, america has 100 trillion debt and you might just have to get over it at some point. Or give a call to the Fed Reserve. Even when I agree with Greenspan, you say that I make outlandish claims.

40% unemployment rate by 2025, makes sense, it will be even worse, much worse if taking the chart below into account in 2025 .

Quit watching TV selling the cool aid. I have been writing about economics for about almost 15 years, and know what I am talking about. The housing bubble is still there, back to 2008 levels and now on top of that there is an auto bubble... this is not going to end well.

what do you say about my latest blog (appetite for destruction) by the way? Have you read it or are you doing the ostrich?

@uvas Just wondering, how do you deal with collusion in a free market?

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