Master Banner Post 7/18/2018

in #bannerpost6 years ago (edited)

Following the example of @bashadow, this is my master banner post that I link to from my account info. I will create an updated version of this post whenever major reasons call for it. This post is the banner post of each of my steemit accounts:

Each of these accounts is me. Three of them are me making real posts on different subjects. I will keep these accounts mostly separated to the subjects they are supposed to be about. For each of these accounts, I allow myself to resteem a post from one of the other four accounts at most twice a week. This should help followers discover my other accounts exist, but won't flood, for example, someone interested only in my fiction, with posts about my work on asyncsteem library.

@pibara (1MV)

When I joines steemit, a little over a year ago, it was with this account. I posted on a wide range of subjects, but soon found out my fiction posts were most popular, and not unimportant, I found time series correlation between posting on other subjects and getting less upvotes. Now this account is dedicated 100% to post of creative nature. Mainly:

  • My fiction
  • Self publishing
  • Reviews of indie published books
  • My attempts at artwork for my fiction
  • My attempts at (mainly) animal photography.

I recently completed my first full-sized novel Ragnarok Conspiracy and it is available as a series of steemit reposts and while I have some world building ideas, I'm currently still very deep in the world building phase of my next story, so don't be expecting any chapter posts on that one any time soon. I am contemplating if I should turn one (or both) of my short stories Orussian Quarantine or Ethereal Pixie Rings Of Mercy (EPROM; also published under the alternate title Atheist Afterlife) into a novel sized rewrite.
The e-book versions of Ragnarok Conspiracy are nearing 100 downloads in total from different channels (only Amazon lags behind as I still have zero sales on that platform) and I hope to soon get a few reviews that will help me decide if turning my short stories into novels would be a good idea.

@mattockfs (1MV)

This account is my dev account. I make a living as a software engineer who specializes in high-integrity system design, information-security solutions geared towards system integrity more than data confidentiality, computer and network forensics and data-engineering solutions. I've written and/or contributed to a number of open source projects. My platform of choice is Linux and *BSD and my favorite languages are C++, Python and R. I hope to make some time to really learn Rust soon. I am a big fan of File Systems in User Space (FUSE) as privilege seperation architecture, and I've written a number of FUSE based open source projects including MinorFs, CarvFS and NoFs. Currently I am working on the following open source projects that I may be posting on from this account:

  • asyncsteem: A Python library for doing STEEM JSON-RPC calls from an asynchonous (Twisted based) Python program.
  • MattockFS: A FUSE based write-once data archive and local message bus for (forensic) data processing architectures.
  • RumpelstiltskinFS: A rewrite and redesign of MinorFs that uses pyrumpeltree to implement a scalable least authority file-system solution.

It should be noted that these three projects have a potential fit that could prove quite interesting. RumpelstiltskinFS could provide STEEM based bots with a way to keep STEEM keys safe from other processes, even processes running under the same uid as the bots. STEEM could in turn provide for the infrastructure needed to provide additional integrity guards to a forensic data processing process involving MattockFS.

There is currently one huge hurdle I am trying to take with wespect to asyncsteem that when taken should allow the three projects to converge into high integrity architectures. That hurdle is either:

  1. Get asyncsteem and Beem to play nice.
  2. Extend asyncsteem with its own plug-un signed transaction library.

The problem is: Beem has an excellent high-level API for signed transactions, but it uses synchronous IO in its implementation. While I'dd hate to reinvent the wheel and write a plug-in signed-transaction library for asyncsteem, there is a real chanche that I will end up having to go that way.

asyncsteem tutorials

mattockfs dfrwseu workshop slides

mattockfs and steem


@engineerdiet (0.1 MV)

This account I use the least. I have a bit of a complicated health history. My health issues have me using my (control-feedback and data-engineering based) engineering skills. From this account I post on healty, diet and workout related subjects, but mostly from an engineering perspective. That engineering perspective could be all about statistic and data science, or it could be about subjects such as harmonic modulation, positive feedback loops, etc.

@pibarabot (0.1 MV)

On this accounts I run asyncsteem based scripts. It serves as a demonstrator of the type of things you can do with asyncsteem. Currently the account runs a script that does daily posts with flag-war stats and visualization. The goal it to both demonstrate the power of asyncsteem for both stats and real-time updated visualization of STEEM data.
If you would like to support both my work on asyncsteem and the @freezepeach initiative, please consider upvoting these daily posts. The posts are made with @pibara and @freezepeach as 50% beneficiaries, so upvotes of these posts will go to sponsoring both projects equally.

@croupierbot (0.1 MV)

This bot account is currently inactive. Once I figure out how to combine signed transactions into the asynchronous context of a Twisted/asyncsteem based STEEM bot, I will work on resurrecting this bot.

The @croupierbot was a bot I created for running lotteries on my fiction posts. The bot could be called into a post for drawing a winner. The way this worked (and will work again once resurrected) was the following:

  1. The bot would respond on mentions of its name in level one comments.
  2. Once detected it got called to facilitate a lottery, it would look at all comments made on the post.
  3. Each comment upvoted by either the post author or the person invoking @croupierbot would have @croupierbot assigning a lottery ticket number to the author of the comment.
  4. The @croupierbot would respond with a comment listing what ticket number it assigned to what account and would also announce the (future) block number it would be using to draw the winner.
  5. Once the designated block became final, @croupierbot would use a modulus of the witness signature to draw the winner. This draw would get announced as a second comment.

The @croupierbot is currently inactive. The old bot code was written for steem-python. Given a long list with known issues with steem-python for purposes as this @croupierbot, and given that I would also like to implement a life-monitoring facility for the bot, other than the old I'm xxx minutes behind on the head posts the bot did, I don't want to resurrect the old steem-python code and don't want to do a port to Beem either. But as soon as I figure out how to combine signed transactions with asyncsteem, either using Beem or my own solution, I will try to resurrect this bot and get things up and running once more.


It helps me from getting lost and losing all the writers I found, and a few of what I think are important links to thinks i've done. Most of it is static, but when I find something, sometimes I remember to put a comment to myself for the next update. Beats the heck out of scrolling back and back and back some more and then not being able to scroll back very far on some days. I think you will like having a central clearing house so to speak.

Well written post. I think I am also going to create a few accounts and try split my writing across accounts so I can categorize by topic. Does the account creation fee vary or is it always the same price if you do it using the API?

sir @pibara plz help me
plz not give me downvote
i effort for increase repotation
but u give me downvote and my repotation very low
u are my boss
and my bro plz not give me downvote
i give u daily upvote
thanks sir

Thank you @ pibara, after reading it, I am so inspired with the writing you share

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