
Didnt say I dont like them. Just showing your overwhelming lack of understanding. While you may currently be better than international banking cartels the seed is still planted. Never said anyone should work for free. Labor all over the world is suppressed to the point that people live on 5.50USD per day while less than 1 percent own over half b.c of the wealth. Politicians claim to redistribute wealth and end up giving it to their own ilk. Individualism is the only option that works for everyone. Funny how every good state is attacked in the name of controlling a world currency. Competing currencies is the only option to answer this problem that I am a wa are of but everyone needs to store their value in commodities while not allowing elite to suppress their true value with fake money(currency). Charging less than 12 percent seems charitable to me. Post something other than your loans so people can learn more about your ideology and understand where you are leading them. Otherwise no matter your power you won't be better than the little guy that helps at the food kitchen.

Congrats on your ability to wield disproportionate force.

Posted using Partiko Android

"Individualism is the only option that works for everyone."

No, it doesn't. I say that as an unabashed anarchist. People have varying degrees of competence, yet have the urge to compete. Folks use other mechanisms, such as cultural marxism, to crush their opposition, and thereby improve their status.

Not saying merit has no merit, but pointing out that failing to reckon on the power of groups vs.individuals is rank foolishness.


I concede that point to you as voluntarism. Force is very unethical. Seems like that is the state's first monopoly. I was typing in a hurry and misspoke. I am falable and fear to always be.

"Seems like that is the state's first monopoly."

Monopoly on force is the exact raison d'etre of the state.

Viva Gilet Jaune Act 11

Posted using Partiko Android

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