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RE: Dear fundamentalist dipshits that think charging interest for loans is immoral, fuck you.

in #banking5 years ago

Not sure why you think banking is so wrong. Bankers enable billions of people to get loans to buy cars and go to work, they lend so people can buy houses to raise their families, go to school, get medical help, etc. They help people save for retirement and the future. But then again according to you it's evil to allow most people an opportunity to purchase something now as oppose to later isn't it? How about hating on the universities for charging such high fees, or the doctors for taking advantage of the sick with high prices, homebuilders for speculating, land owners, etc. It's a system, called capitalism. If you don't like it, ask a Venezuelan about the alternative...

Posted using Partiko Android


Much of what you espouse is the curtain of a lie. Allowing people to have just enough in their own lives in order to rule over masses. The medicine suppresses naturopathy and anyone that provides a benefit outside of the established monopoly is demonised into exile. The knowledge is changed because the victor writes the history books.

Ask the younglings how a college education is providing a living while they are trapped in a debt cycle that they can't file bankruptcy on. How does that help?

I dont think banking is wrong. I think that usury like many things is a double edged sword. Why do governments abdicate their responsibility to regulate the creation of money allowing private institutions to create privatized debt obligations. People create money as the blockchain proves. While property is to be respected predators must be restricted by collective power. One lifeform can not have a higher value than another. Resources should be more equitably shared to greatly reduce the need for welfare while those that want more can work harder or be better.

Banking is great for protection of assets as long as equity is apportioned properly. Do you even know what fractional reserves are or what a reserve is? I challenge you to YouTube "The Hidden Secrets of Money" so you can formulate a logical argument about banking.

Posted using Partiko Android

I've watched that video. I think that if bankers gave away all the money they have, the only difference in the world would be that bankers would be reduced to normal workers. Economy would inflate to accommodate the new money in circulation and everyone would remain just as poor, just more equal, and working exactly the same hours, maybe for "fairer" purposes.

I believe the would always be privileged ones, either because of money, power or any other resource, either external or internal. Sadly I think this means equality is impossible, as is absolute fairness. I may not think hunting down bankers is the solution, but other things might partially work.

Posted using Partiko Android

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