Jon Magnusson about Nakedverse (Deggsy) - Bands About Bands S02:E02

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Busy as I have been lately with my own music and family life I had to scale down a bit on my consumption of others music and also writing about others music.

But since I'm now officially on parental leave and start to get the rest of my work a bit more organized I finally have time to indulge in all the incredible songs that are made by fellow Steemians.

One of the most active users in the Steemit community is @nakedverse and even though I have glanced at some of his music I haven't really had time to really dig in to his library. The fact that he does a lot of collaborations with very different kinds of artist and exploring very different genres makes it even more exciting.

Degs old n grey[3956].jpg

So when I asked him if I could write about his music I also asked him to send me the four songs he best thought represented him as a musician. And so I'm going to write a bit about all four songs.

Conflux - Happy


A collaboration with Alison under the name Conflux. Catchy melody and a pop rock arrangement with atmospheric guitars and a steady drum beats really works well with the lyrics. And some surprising chord progressions make this song stand out from other songs in this genre.

Deggsy & GJART - Nightbirds


Ok. I have to admit, as a fan and friend of @GJART I am biased, but it doesn't stop me from say that this is an awesome track. Totally different from the pop rock feel of Happy, this collab blends classic synth pop with modern electronica and I can't really decide if it makes me wanna dance or lay down on a beach and relax.

Deggsy & The Turtle Project - Everything I'll Ever Need


Ok, @theturtleproject is also a good friend of mine and I love his melancholic bittersweet indie pop so this is a match made in heaven. More alike the pop rock arrangement again, but with some indie edge and nice synths to it. And a damn catchy chorus. Works really well with the unique touch of mr TurtleProject's vocals.

Deggsy & Kryptoe - Madego


@Kryptoe is also a new friend of mine who I got to know thanks to Steemit at about the same time as Deggsy. I actually don't know how to pin point this song, but some kind of indie pop/r'n'b and synth pop in a really nice combination. The foundation is once again the great production of Deggsy and Kryptoe has a bouncy way of singing that works really well with the beat.


After giving Deggsy'ss music a proper listen I have to say he is a really talented songwriter. He makes songs in all kinds of genres and with different kinds of artist and that's actually exactly the way I wanna make music as well. He does all music with virtual instruments and make them sound as real as you can without real instruments. This is also the only downside with his music, how good you are using virtual instruments, when it comes music based on guitar, acoustic drums etc, getting that real genuine sound of human played instrument is impossible. So what I would love is to hear a production from him with "real" instruments rather than virtual, well maybe I see room for a collaboration with him myself.

So go check all of his music out and follow him on DSound to enjoy some real variety and talent.

This post is written as part of the Bands About Bands Community Initiative run by @ftlob

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Eclectic Indie Rock/Folk musician from Sweden


Wow ! Big thanks Jon , For Your Support and kindness , it was only about 2 and half months ago i came here and i have met so many friends , and great artists. Thank you for this! Really Appreciate it ! :)

And big thanks to Deon @kryptoe for Pointing me here in the first place !
MADEGO We have done 40 songs together Deon's great Vocal and sweet Harmonies :)made the Songs.

I love Collaborations , it's great to be involved in different Genres , and learn from other artists too, Its kind of experimental , a Challenge for me also.

Also Big thanks to Alison for her Wonderful Vocal , I think we have done 80 odd songs together.

@gjart - @theturtleproject Big thanks to these Guys too

So Big thanks to Jon , for Shining the Light on Myself and all the Talent I have had the Honour to work with :)

Collaboration is the way to go!

Well done chaps. The best of British :D
Cracking words John.
Good luck in the comp.

Great review about an awesome Steemian! Very detailed with lots of diverse music to listen to. Thanks a lot for participating Jon!

Thanks! Really enjoyed it!

Thanks Jon for your support of both Nightbirds and Deggsy. He is a great, talented guy and so generous with his time and advice - so worthy of a write up and a great addition to our community. :-)

Couldn't agree more!

Great work Jon, I am so thrilled that Deggsy is shining on this platform. For so long I knew his talent demanded a wider audience, and I sincerely hoped one day he would see a financial return for the dedicated hours he puts into his songs. Steemit has made this begin to feel like it could be a reality.
Deggsy is one mighty talented fella. I cornered the market with him for a very precious time, but now the secret it out! I look forward to this new era with much delight.

Same here! I really like how this new technology makes it more rewarding to actually create music and collaborate than just perform!

Brilliantly written piece jon about a top bloke and fellow steemian, he is a joy to work with and has pushed me to new levels through just two collabs so I am looking forward to more of the same and better :)

Hey @jonmagnusson. This is a great review. Congratulations!

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