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RE: 🍌 CONTEST ~ Gypsy Fortune-Telling & FREE Steem Basic Income 🍌

in #bananamemos6 years ago
There is a Madame Z fortune-teller apprenticeship program, if Sunday Cat is interested, @redheadpei.

Madame Zanana sees a skier in the leaves, in a crouching position, as if swooshing down a mountainside at top speed in the fresh snow.

This can be interpreted as you gliding through an area of your life, if you allow yourself to just strap on your skies and GO!

#1 in the contest


I like that reading Madam Zanana.
I spoke to Sunday Cat and he meowed in agreement but wants a mouse for every time he has a lesson.🐱 😂

Madame Z can see who rules the roost in that household!

Haha that’s for sure!

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