Bad Karaoke Entry - simgirlandsnook's FUN CONTEST!!!

in #badkaraoke6 years ago

KARAOKE??? heck. yeah.

Because - there is absolutely no good reason why you should not be belting ANY song at the top of your lungs into a microphone in front of 14 drunk strangers!!!!

Because - 80's songs NEVER go out of style.

Because - @snook and @simgirl have a sweet #badkaraoke contest where you can sing and sing and sing... and no one is gonna tell you to shut up!  (cuz they can just turn you off - but that's beside the point!!!)

I love Steemit.  I love fun. I love community.  I love to sing.

Clearly this contest was made for meeeeeeeee.  But... I'm also supposed to show my face - and you know I don't do that  (cuz i just don't wanna. haha) So I can't win! BUT YOU CAN! (and plus - my daughter says this is an 11/10 performance. so.... I'm already a winner!)

So this is my UNOFFICIAL entry into the contest to try to stir up some action and energy....and right after I post this.... i'm gonna go watch @enginewitty's unofficial entry too!   yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.   

so watch mine - watch his - and then GO ENTER!!!  

DOOOOOOOOOO ITTTTTTTT!!!!  ohhhh. and did i say there is a prize???? cuz there is.  go get it!  :)


Great cover. And I say that after having heard it . :)
We should make a band.
The Steemband !!!

Hahahahhaa I'm in!!!! How fun would that be lolol

I can't play any instrument , but I can be the manager. Any serious band needs a manager .
I will book us at New York and London and the Mars . That's how awesome I am !!!

I LOOOOOVE IT, love, love your voice, both speaking & singing!!! You truly amaze me sweetness <3 <3<3
Hahaha, the owl is groovin'!! <3
Mucho love & huggins coming your way (´ ▽`).。o♥♡


One of my favorite songs....

But, I already knew that you can sing... :D



You and owly get my vote! I am strictly a group singer AND I don't do video, so no entry from me!

Hahahahahhaa too bad!!!! You could have done a duet with @andysantics48!!!! Hehehehe

Thanks for your visit, my friend! 😊

Not sure whether that would look worse or sound worse... ;-)


Oh you're such a kind friend.

This was frig'n awesome hey.

thanks :) i appreciate that!!!

LOL did you tell me what that means??? or do i still not know! hahahaha ( i can't remember now LOL)

Is the sound which whale make:))) Nom funny

hahahhahahahaa I thought whales made a kind of woooooo sound hahahahhz

Um, Darling, is there anything you can't do? Singer, writer, photographer, pirate, kick-ass Mom... hunnie, let me tell you something ... you rock!! 🤘🤘🤘The more I see and hear from you, the more I wanna be like you when I grow up!! Keep on rockin' like only you can, I'm enjoying every minute!!

My sweet sista!!! :) You are always so supportive of me!!! I love your comments and your interaction and your heart! :)

I'm so glad Steemit brought us together! hehehe

That was awesome!!!! I too do not like to be in front of the camera! I think we will change the rules, and just be sure the person posting is singing!!! I hope you continue to unoffically enter this contest!!! Loved the song choice Epic!! The owl did great too!!!

hahahahaha well i would love to enter (unofficially) for as long as you do the contest. i LOVE singing :) and yes - the owl earned her keep today! hehehehe

If you don't mind, we'd like to use your unofficial entry as an example in our next Bad Karaoke contest announcement!

go for it!!! :)

OMGosh that was the funniest thing I have ever seen :D Thank YOU......still cracking up!!!!

hahahahahaha i was CACKLING... it took me so long to get a decent recording cuz i kept giggling with that silly owl!!! by the time i got one - my voice was straining! LOL

i hope you get more entries!!!!! come on people! LOL karaoke is a blast!!! hhaha

That owl it the Bomb!!! she needs a gold trophy :D

hhehehehe i'll tell her you said it ;)

Damn girl, what don't you do besides show your face, lol! I myself, do not sing and especially not karaoke. It's in everyone's best interest that way...ha ha

I am impressed and calling this bad is being quite humble. The owl was a great addition, loved It!

LOLOLOL I'm what you call a jack of all trades, master of none! hahahaha
i bet your entry would have been HIGHLY entertaining hehehehe

and thank you - the contest was for bad karaoke but one of the requirements was... "they have to pull you away from the microphone at the karaoke bar"

that's me ;) I fit that criteria. me and my sister and friends used to close the bar down hahahahaha so so fun!!!

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