
And if they are homeless... it likely was a voluntary choice. The modern hermit.

I've been to home depot some lately.
I've noticed some of the stuff they have there.
Pretttty cheap ways to provide a (mobile) shelter.
I've come to the conclusion that homelessness is a choice.

Aaaaaand...I got this nephew.
he was divorced...and evicted from his home a decade or so ago.
lived in his car for a few weeks.
(didn't tell anyone...or we'd have took him in)

today he's probably a millionaire.
he took his dad to vegas to 'play' for the week he's taking his kids to go see his sister in Seattle for a week. He recently sold his lake 'ranch' cause he got tired of landscaping..

not bad for ten years work...starting from nothing eh?

Landscaping...hmm... I wonder how many immigrants he "didn't" have to exploit to get to be a "MILLIONAIRE?!"

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