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RE: The Cult Of The Elliott Waves

in #backwards-thinking7 years ago

All my sentiments put into tangible thought. Perfect =D

You know he posted the exact same thing 4 months ago too, so it's hardly an original thought.

The argument basically states that everything abides by physical laws, but this isn't exactly true.

Quantum events only apply to the extremely small, and breaks down around anything bigger than an atom. Sure that determines the behaviour of the atoms in the Universe but if we're going to argue that it therefore has influence on the whole Universe then it makes his whole post completely moot.

Likewise with classical physics, yes it is the foundation of physical motion, but at a certain point biological evolution kicks in. Random genetic mutation creates species that evolve through non-random selection, all of which is very much biological, not physical and not quantum.

To extrapolate sentiment from Quantum you have to go through the multiple infinite possibilities that comes from any 2 or more atoms working together, you have to pass the border of infinite possibilities creating the universe and the planet we live and every catastrophic event that gave rise to us, before passing through the infinite, random genetic and biological processes to get to our sentient position in the Universe.

If you can make practical use of that then you deserve every penny Steemit has to offer!


If he was actually able to manage such possibilities and model them in an effective way, he also wouldn't be wrong half of the time. But your point is more elegant.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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