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RE: Ameerah is recovering

in #baby7 years ago

I really can't give you advice about babies my friend since I am not a parent or ever taken care of a baby.

What I use are my mom's tea's and I drink the mixture of 2 oranges, 1 lemon, and a teaspoon of powder ginger in 2l of water. Which I drink during the day but not all at once when I have a soar throat or just as a prevention to clean my body. As ginger is extremely anti-bacterial and a great anti-oxidant. Plus when you combine it with lemon and orange it takes it to another level.

But, for the kids, I am not sure my friend. I don't want to give you advice I am not sure about. I can only give advice about something I used for myself. Since I don't have kids. I am sorry I can't be more helpful. I just know one thing if he prescribing 3 medicine for one thing he is not a doctor. He is just making his quota to sell that specific drug and get his bonus. Nothing else.

Maybe do some research on the internet for natural alternatives for babies to help with this problem. Dr. Mercola is a good source of information and alternative medicine.


Alright bro, I understand that quite well. Thanks for the advice and I did do some research on the internet but there wasn't much I could find. I will look into Dr.Mercola. Thanks for letting me know :)

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